Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Reading a Course Description

At the bottom of the course descriptions, students will see a pattern such as 3 credits, plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture, 2 laboratory, OR 4 credits = 4 lecture/laboratory. The numbers will change based on the individual course. Tuition is charged by the contact hour.

For some courses a prerequisite course or assessment score is required prior to registration. Students who believe that the prerequisite was met through previous college work or work experience may ask the course instructor for permission to waive the prerequisite. It is up to the student to provide the evidence for this waiver request.

Students placing into RD 050 Introduction to College Reading I are required to take the course their first semester. RD 050 is considered a co-requisite to any course in the college catalog.

Prerequisite Waivers

Any course prerequisite may be waived by the permission of the instructor. Student must contact the instructor for approval.

Independent Study

Any college course described in the catalog may be taken as independent study if there are unusual and extenuating circumstances. However, the student must initiate acceptance and approval for supervision by an instructor and obtain the appropriate form from the instructor or academic lead.

Selected Topics

All disciplines have a course as follows with the acronym for each discipline − 195 Selected Topics − a course that offers an intensive investigation of one or more topics of current interest. Topics are selected by discipline. Interested students should inform the instructor of their interest at the earliest possible date. Special requirements may be necessary. 1 to 5 credits = 1 to 5 lecture and/or laboratory.


Criminal Justice

  • CJ 202 - Criminal Law

    This course is a study of substantive law as a means of defining and preserving social order. Sources of criminal law, classification of crimes against persons, property and public welfare; principles of criminal liability, elements necessary to establish crime and criminal intent, specific crimes and defenses, and constitutional limitations are examined.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 206 - Dynamics of Traffic Enforcement

    This course is designed to familiarize the student with proper procedures for traffic control and enforcement. Specifically, the State of Michigan motor vehicle laws and procedures, arrests, citations, alcohol and accident investigation are examined.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 210 - Dynamics of Substance Abuse

    This course is designed to equip students with up-to-date knowledge concerning the historical and cultural attitudes toward use of alcohol and other drugs, as well as the psychological and physical effects of their use and abuse. Social and political implications of drug abuse and available treatment modalities are also discussed.
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 180  or permission of instructor
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 215 - Basic Criminal Investigation

    This course presents the basic principles of criminal investigation. The course covers the investigative procedures used in handling of crime scene. The procedures discussed include the interviewing and interrogation of persons, the gathering and preserving of evidence and the writing of investigative reports. Also covered in the course are different methods of investigations including conducting surveillances, undercover operations and working with informants. Basic lab techniques and procedures that are integral parts of an investigation are conducted.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 222 - Client Relations in Corrections

    This course will explore the social and cultural differences that exist between inmates and corrections officers. Factors such as economic status, discrimination and minority membership as well as societal response to these factors will be emphasized. The role of the corrections officer within custodial care settings to deal effectively with inmate relationships will be discussed. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 223 - Correctional Institutions/Facilities

    This course is designed to prepare students for employment in the corrections system. It will explore the function of prisons, various rehabilitation programs, custodial care and prisoner rights. The organization and management of correctional institutions and their safety and security also will be described. Concerns about future developments and problems in the corrections system will be addressed. Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 224 - Legal Issues in Corrections

    This course will examine and analyze the roles of the legislature, courts, prosecutors and attorneys in the criminal process. This course will place special emphasis on legal concerns within the corrections system itself. This will include, but not be limited to, the constitutional rights of prisoners and the potential civil liability that correctional facilities and corrections personnel face when those rights are violated. The impact of recent case law decisions and future development resulting from those decisions will be discussed. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 226 - Client Growth and Development in Corrections

    This course is intended for students requiring an understanding of human behavior, psychopathology and treatment interventions, as they relate to the correctional client. This course will emphasize and differentiate between normal and criminal behavior and will define personality, social roles, criminal lifestyles and present biological, psychosocial and sociocultural theories of normal and deviant human behavior. Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 228 - Probation and Parole

    This course is designed to prepare students for employment in the Criminal Justice/Corrections field. It will introduce the student to the historical background and development of Probation and Parole from early history to the modern Probation and Parole system. In addition to historical information, students will explore the court system and how an offender progresses through it. Students will learn the sentencing process, starting with the pre-sentence investigation. Sentencing options will be reviewed, sentencing guidelines will be explained, and the rationale for sentencing recommendations made to the court will be studied. The juvenile justice system will be studied with juvenile probation and other available dispositions reviewed. The American probation system, community-based corrections and parole will be studied. Included will be the roles and duties of the modern parole officer. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 260 - Fundamentals of Terrorism

    This course is designed to provide students with an in depth look at terrorism. The course will examine the history of terrorism, the different forms of terrorism, modern day concerns of terrorism, terrorist organizations and ideologies, weapons and strategies used by terrorists, and future concerns and challenges that terrorists pose. The course will also discuss the strategies developed to contain the terrorist threat including the responsibilities of federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 278 - Field Observations

    CJ 208 This course is designed to broaden the educational experiences of the student through observation. The agencies involved in the observations may vary as to the interest of the student.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101   or CJ 121  
    1 credit = 60 hours of observation plus four clock hours of contact with the field advisor = 1 (other) observation
  • CJ 280 - Contemporary Criminal Justice Organizations

    (Formerly CJ 201 and CJ 211). This course is designed to provide students with a basic orientation to government structure and criminal justice organizations that encompass it. It will examine the structure of criminal justice administrations, related human resource issues especially including the selection process, leadership, management theories, organizational structures, ethical dilemmas, civil liabilities, police subculture and behavior, and the future of criminal justice organizations.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture


  • ECON 221 - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Formerly: BUS 221  

    General economic concepts will be examined by covering the following: the nature and method of economics, an introduction to the economizing problem, pure capitalism and the circular flow, understanding individual markets - demand and supply, the fundamental market questions, the economic functions of government, the facts of American capitalism - the private sector and the public sector, measuring national output, national income and the price level, macroeconomic instability - unemployment and inflation, aggregate demand and aggregate supply, classical and Keynesian theories of employment, equilibrium national output in the Keynesian model, fiscal policy, money and banking, how the banks create money, the Federal Reserve banks and monetary policy, budget deficits and the public debt, and economic growth.
    Prerequisite(s): 20 credit hours completed and MTH 104  or BUS 158  or appropriate placement by college assessment.
    3 credits = 3 lecture

  • ECON 221H - Honors Principles of Macroeconomics

    Formerly: BUS 221H  

    General economic concepts will be analyzed by examining the nature and method of economics and the economizing problem; characteristics of individual markets regarding supply and demand, pure capitalism, and the market system; private and public sectors of the economy; measuring domestic output, national income, macroeconomic instability, unemployment, the price level and inflation; the aggregate expenditures model with reference to demand and supply, the multiplier, net exports, and the government; fiscal and monetary policy; money and banking, including the Federal Reserve Banks and how banks create money. Also explored will be alternative views on macroeconomic theory and policy, the relationship between inflation and unemployment, the public debt, budget deficits, economic growth, and the place of the United States in the global economy. Emphasis will be placed on application of the economic principles.
    Prerequisite(s): 20 credit hours completed and MTH 104  or BUS 158   or appropriate placement by college assessment and acceptance to Honors Program.
    3 credits = 3 lecture

  • ECON 222 - Principles of Microeconomics

    Formerly: BUS 222  

    General economic concepts will be examined by covering the following: demand, supply and elasticity, the theory of consumer behavior, the costs of production, price and output determination under conditions of pure competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, production and the demand for economic resources, wage determination, rent, interest and profits, general equilibrium in a market system, government and economic policy including antitrust and regulation, the agricultural problem, the problems of the cities, the economics of health care, income distribution, labor market issues-unionism, discrimination and immigration, international trade, exchange rates, the balance of payments, the trade “crisis,” growth and the less developed countries, and the global economy.
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 221  or ECON 221H  
    3 credits = 3 lecture

  • ECON 222H - Honors Principles of Microeconomics

    Formerly: BUS 222H  

    General economic concepts will be examined by covering the following: demand, supply and elasticity, the theory of consumer behavior, the costs of production, price and output determination under conditions of pure competition, pure monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly, production and the demand for economic resources, wage determination, rent, interest and profits, general equilibrium in a market system, government and economic policy including antitrust and regulation, the agricultural problem, the problems of the cities, the economics of health care, income distribution, labor market issues-unionism, discrimination and immigration, international trade, exchange rates, the balance of payments, the trade “crisis,” growth and the less developed countries, and the global economy.
    Prerequisite(s): ECON 221  or ECON 221H  and acceptance in to Honors Program
    3 credits = 3 lecture


  • ED 101 - Introduction to a Career in Teaching

    This course is an introduction to the purposes and functions of education in American society for those planning a career in teaching or other educational service occupations. The course addresses issues such as the education of a prospective teacher, the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers, the history of education, school reform, teacher certification, financing public education and the purposes of schooling and curriculum. The course is designed to answer the student question of “why teach” and to assist students in their decision to pursue a career in education. Twenty hours of observation in K-12 settings is required. State laws may require a background check and finger-printing. Students are responsible for paying fees required for the background check.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ED 200A - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 200B - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 200C - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 200D - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 220 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

    This course addresses the physical, psychological, social and educational factors related to exceptional individuals, including those who experience giftedness as well as those who experience disability. Students will be afforded the opportunity to identify, evaluate and modify their personal attitudes and beliefs regarding exceptionality. This course will benefit those who are paraprofessionals, teachers, parents or in any of the human service careers working within a teaching/learning setting.
    Prerequisite(s): ED 101  
    4 credits = 4 lecture

Engineering Technology

  • ETE 100 - Fundamentals of Direct and Alternating Current

    This is an introductory course designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of direct (D.C.) and alternating current (A.C.). Topics include resistive, capactive, and inductive components in series and parallel, direct current combinations, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws, the voltage divider fule, and RC time constants. Students will build and troubleshoot direct current circuits using a digital multi-meter and oscilloscope. Additionally, students will learn how to use transformers, function generators and the oscilloscope in testing alternating current circuits built in laboratory. Course content also includes instruction on alternating current concepts including; reactance, resonance, tuning, A.C. to D.C. conversion, isolation, and safety.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture, 3 laboratory
  • ETE 120 - Semiconductor Devices and Circuits

    Formerly: ELT 131  

    This course focuses on semiconductor devices regarding diode and transistor theory, filter circuits, power supplies, transistor parameters, load lines, biasing, amplifier tests and measurements, A.C. circuit analysis of voltage and current operational amplifiers.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 100  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture, 3 laboratory

  • ETE 130 - Digital Circuits

    Formerly: ELT 135  

    This is a basic course to introduce students to digital electronics. Topics include basic logic gates, the binary number system, Boolean logic, flip-flops, shift-registers, BCD decoder driver circuits, encoders, multiplexers, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, seven-segment displays and memory devices.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture, 2 laboratory

  • ETE 165 - Introduction to Programming and Interfacing: Microcontroller Computer

    Formerly: ETE 230  

    This course introduces students to programming a microcontroller computer using the BASIC computer programming language. A microcontroller computer is the size of a deck of cards and is able to command other attached electronic devices. Programs will be written on a classroom computer and downloaded to the microcontroller computer.  Students will learn to write computer code that interfaces with these sensors; light, touch, infrared, and ultrasonic.  Students will also write code to control LED lights, 7-segment displays, sound speakers, and servo-motors. No previous electronic or computer programming experience is necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture, 3 laboratory

  • ETE 210 - Industrial Electronics

    Formerly: ELT 231  

    The physical considerations involved in the industrial applications of solid state devices are discussed and analyzed, along with rectifier circuits, amplifiers, oscillator control circuits, electronic motor control, servo-mechanisms, pressure, temperature and optical devices.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 120  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETE 275 - Advanced Programming and Interfacing: Microcontroller Computer

    This course offers advanced techniques for students in programming and interfacing a microcontroller computer.  A microcontroller computer is the size of a deck of cards and is able to command other attached electronic devices using computer code. Programs involving Parallax Propeller C code and Arduino C++ code will be written on a classroom computer and downloaded to the microcontroller computer.  Students will learn to write computer code that interfaces with these sensors: light, touch, infrared, ultrasonic, and RFID.  Students will also write code to control LED lights, 7-segment displays, LCD displays, sound speakers, and stationary servo-motors, as well as servo-motors on a mobile platform. Students will also learn to program an industrial PLC (Programable Logic Controller) using the C++ computer code.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 165  
    4 credits plus 2 contacts = 3 lecture, 3 laboratory
  • ETG 115 - Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting

    This course offers an introduction to the use of AutoCAD focusing on geometric construction and editing tools. Students will learn and incorporate techniques of computer-aided drafting practices by reading and checking drawings, principles of orthographic projection, and working drawings.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory
  • ETG 121 - Architectural Basics

    Fundamentals of line work, lettering, orthographic/pictorial projection, freehand technical sketching and introductory CAD drafting highlight this course. An understanding of architectural building materials and nomenclature will be obtained from lectures, and students will learn how to read architectural building blueprints including floor plans, elevations, sections, details and schedules. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit plus 1 contact hour = 1 lecture, 1 laboratory
  • ETG 122 - 3D CAD Models

    Each student will be provided with an architectural design concept for a residential or light commercial building and will be required to construct a three-dimensional scale model of the design and include a mounted perspective drawing for final presentation. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit = 1 lecture
  • ETG 130 - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

    Formerly: EG 115, DR 115 and MFT 115  

    This course is designed to develop technical knowledge and skills which will enable the student to prepare and interpret engineering drawings using the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing System in accordance with the current ANSI Standards.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 115  or ETG 180  
    2 credits plus .5 contact hours = 2 lecture, .5 laboratory

  • ETG 140 - Advanced Drafting with AutoCAD

    Formerly: EG 162  

    This course will provide students with an overview of advanced applications as they apply to the fields of engineering computer aided drafting and design. The students will learn and apply computer-aided design techniques and principles to create drawings and will learn the software capability of the system by generating, moving and editing the basic and advanced geometric elements. Student will use AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor Pro computer aided drafting software. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 115  or ETG 180  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETG 150 - Engineering Graphics & Design Technology Co-Op

    Formerly: EG 150  

    A feature of this course is the six weeks or more work experience in industry in the program of study for which the student is enrolled. This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training program developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college. Special requirements may be necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
    1 to 6 credits; 80 hours work experience = 1 credit

  • ETG 160 - SolidWorks - Product Design and Development

    Formerly: EG 163  

    This course provides an introduction to the process of developing solid models using a solid modeling program. Techniques for planning, developing, organizing and maintaining CAD files related to solid modeling will be addressed. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, students will explore the concepts and usage of explicit modeling, parametric modeling and feature-based modeling by using all of these tools integrated within SolidWorks.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 115  
    3 credits plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture, 2 laboratory

  • ETG 180 - Engineering Graphics

    Formerly: EG 180  

    This class focuses on selected graphical solutions in orthographic projection, pictorial presentation, visualization of projections, points, lines and planes in 3-D space. Studies surrounding primary and secondary projections, true lengths of lines, true size and shapes of planes, dihedral angles, visibility bearings, intersections and developments of surfaces using CAD System will be the focus of study. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture, 3 laboratory

  • ETG 210 - Introduction to Mold Design

    Formerly: EG 265  

    This course is designed to give students an understanding of the design, construction and terminology involved in designing and building plastic injection molds. Specific emphasis will be placed on standard design procedures used in designing injection molds today. This class will use computer aided drafting software.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 140  
    3 credits plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture, 2 laboratory

  • ETG 220 - Jig/Fixture Design

    Formerly: EG 266  

    The principles of tooling design for productive machining operations are the main focus of this course. Comparative analysis of standards and commercial work-holding devices for such operations as drilling, milling, turning and grinding (cams, links, motion and gear) are also designed along kinematic outlines. From shop sketches, actual layouts are formulated and assembled. From the design drawing, working drawings are then produced following all present day drafting specifications, with emphasis on standard component parts and supply catalog.  Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 115  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETG 230 - Tool/Die Design

    Formerly: EG 267  

    Principle concepts of material flow and properties, along with fundamental die design pertaining to forming, cutting, drawing and piercing operations performed on standard industrial presses are reviewed. From actual part prints, actual die designs are formulated, working drawings are made, machine mechanisms are reviewed and reproduction is made. All practices are geared to those used in modern drafting rooms today. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 115  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETM 107 - Technical Mathematics

    This course is intended for students preparing for a technical career in one of the following: Mechatronics, Electronics, Precision Machining, Welding, or Computer Aided Drafting. The topics covered will utilize real world technical explanations and examples. Topics covered will include basic math operations algebra, geometry, measurement using U.S. and metric standards, functions, graphs, and trigonometric functions. 
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits = 4 lecture
  • ETM 110 - Electrical Power and Control Circuits

    Formerly: IA 100  

    This course focuses on the concepts and principles of electricity, magnetism and logic applied to electrical power and control logic circuits. Major topics studied in this course include relay ladder logic control circuits, electric motor control circuits, solid state control systems, single and three phase transformers and motors, DC motors, rectifiers, generators/alternators and a variety of input and output control devices applied to automation and machine tool applications. Emphasis is placed on reading, drawing and analyzing ladder logic, line diagrams and wiring diagrams as a global means of communication in the electrical field. Programmable controllers and variable speed motor drives will be used in addition to hard-wired relay ladder logic control circuits as a means of controlling electrical power components and systems. Team based troubleshooting and problem solving will be an integral part of the course.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETM 130 - Programmable Logic Controllers

    Formerly: IA 102  

    This course introduces students to programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It focuses on the underlying principles of how PLCs work and provides students with the knowledge and “hands-on” training to install, program, modify, interface, troubleshoot and maintain PLC systems. Programming is done both on-and off-line. No previous knowledge of PLC systems or programming is required. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 100  or ETM 110  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETM 140 - Fluid Power and Control Circuits I

    Formerly: IA 143  

    This course provides an introduction to fluid power. It focuses on the concepts, physical laws, principles of operation and applications of components and circuits found in modern fluid power systems. This course will provide students with the knowledge and “hands-on” training to install, modify, troubleshoot, maintain and repair basic fluid power components, circuits and systems. No previous knowledge of fluid power systems is required.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETM 150 - Mechatronics Co-op

    Formerly: IA 150  

    This course consists of work experience in industry relating to industrial automation (each 80 hours of work experience related to the objectives equals 1 credit). This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training agreement developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college. Special requirements may be necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and first year in Mechatronics program (GPA ≥ 2.5 in major area of study) or employer initiated request.
    1 to 6 credits (80 hours of work experience) = 1 credit

  • ETM 160 - Introduction to Programming and Interfacing: Industrial Robots

    This course is designed to introduce students to programming and interfacing industrial robots and  provide a general overview of the technologies that are incorporated in an automated system. No previous programming experience is necessary. 
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory
  • ETM 240 - Fluid Power and Control Circuits II

    Formerly: IA 243  

    This course is a continuation of ETM 140 . Topics studied include pneumatic logic, cartridge valves and electro-fluid power components, circuits and systems utilizing discrete, proportional and servo control. Programmable controllers will be used in addition to pneumatic logic as a means of controlling fluid power components and systems.
    Prerequisite(s): ETM 140  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETM 280 - Advanced Robotics and Programmable Controls

    Formerly: IA 201  

    This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of how to integrate components, equipment and work cells into a completely automated system. The areas of study include computer, industrial robot, and programmable logic controller programming, as well as utilizing robot vision and sensors to control the automated system. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETM 130  and ETM 160  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hour = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETP 100 - CNC Survey

    This is a introductory survey course in Computerized Numerical Control: programming, safety, and setup of a CNC mill and /or CNC lathe.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): None
    1 Credit = 0.5 Lecture, 0.5 Lab
  • ETP 110 - Machine Tools

    Formerly MFT 111  

    This introductory course focuses on internationally accepted machining practices and measurement systems (inch/pound and metric). Lab projects include operating the mill, lathe, saw and drill press.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture, 3 laboratory

  • ETP 120 - Machine Tool, Advanced

    Formerly MFT 214  

    This course is a continuation of ETP 110   with greater emphasis placed on development of skills in machine operations. Solutions of problems that arise in the planning and tooling for production of parts, economy, design, estimating, and processing and planning are developed and analyzed.
    Prerequisite(s): ETP 110  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETP 210 - Beginning CNC Programming

    Formerly MFT 211  

    This is a beginning course in Computerized Numerical Control Programming using a 3-axis mill.
    Prerequisite(s): ETP 110  
    Corequisite(s): ETP 110  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hour = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETP 220 - CNC Surfacing Applications

    Formerly MFT 213  

    This course focuses on the generation and machining of surfaces and solids. Students will use MasterCam Software to design and machine surfaces and solids.
    Prerequisite(s): ETP 210  or industrial CNC Mill Work Experience
    3 credits plus 3 contact hour = 2 lecture, 4 laboratory

  • ETW 101 - Basic Oxyacetylene Welding, Cutting and Brazing

    Formerly WELD 110A  

    This introductory course provides students with a technical understanding of oxyacetylene welding, flame cutting, brazing fundamentals and safety. It also provides training to develop the manual skills necessary to produce quality welds on mild steel in flat position.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit plus 1 contact hour = 2 laboratory

  • ETW 110 - Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welding

    Formerly WELD 110B  

    This introductory course provides students with a technical understanding of arc welding fundamentals, welding safety, arc welding machines and electrode classification and selection. It also provides training to develop the manual skill necessary to make quality shielded metal-arc welds in flat position on mild steel.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit plus 1 contact hour = 2 laboratory

  • ETW 120 - Basic Gas Metal Arc and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

    Formerly WELD 110C  

    This introductory course provides students with a technical understanding of Gas Metal Arc Welding (M.I.G.) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (T.I.G.) of low carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum in flat, horizontal and vertical positions.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit plus 1 contact hour = 2 laboratory

  • ETW 170 - Print Reading for Welders and Fabricators

    Formerly WELD 114  

    This course will give students an understanding of the prints used in the welding and fabrication industry. Welding symbols, various drafting lines, metric system, basic shop math, orthographic and pictorial views will be used. Set-up tools, including tape measures, angle blocks, fitting shims, turn buckles, wedges and various clamping methods will be demonstrated. Students also will design an individual project, draw a detailed print and deliver a presentation to the class.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture

  • ETW 210 - Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding

    Formerly WELD 210  

    This course is a continuation of ETW 110 . Students will focus on Butt joints using E6010 for the root and E7018 for fill and cover passes. Horizontal, vertical and overhead positions will be practiced extensively. Upon completion of this course, students will be required to take two A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification tests.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 211 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 220  

    This course concentrates on the S.M.A.W. (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) (stick) process. Students will foucus on 6” pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Open root with E6010 and E7018 fill and cover passes will be used. Upon successful completion of the couse students will take an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) cetification test on 6” diameter pipe. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 210  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 212 - Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 221  

    This course concentrates on the S.M.A.W. (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) on 6” diameter pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification test on 6” diameter pipe in the 6-G position
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 211  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 220 - Advanced Gas Metal Arc Welding

    Formerly WELD 211  

    This course focuses on the different aspects of the M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas) welding process. Mild steel, aluminum, solid wire and flux cored wire will be used. Upon completion of this course, students will be required to take two A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification tests
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    2 credits plus 2 contact hours = 4 laboratory

  • ETW 221 - Basic Gas Metal Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 212  

    This course focuses on M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas) welding of 6” diameter and larger Pipe in the 2-G, 5-G and 6-G positions. Students will concentrate their effort on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification test on 6” diameter pipe in the 2-G or 5-G position. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 220  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 222 - Advanced Gas Metal Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 213  

    This course focuses on M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas) welding of 6” diameter and larger pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their effort on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Soceity) Certification test on 6” diameter pipe in the 6-G position.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 221  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 230 - Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

    Formerly WELD 214  

    This course focuses on advanced techniques of the T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process. Students will be trained on multiple joints in all positions. At the end of this course, students will take two A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification tests, using the T.I.G. process. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    2 credits plus 2 contact hours = 4 laboratory

  • ETW 231 - Basic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 215  

    This course focuses on T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding of 2” diameter and larger pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) Certification test on 2” diameter pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 230  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 232 - Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 216  

    This course focuses on T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding of 2” diameter pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification test on 2” diameter pipe in the 6-G position. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 231  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 233 - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding: Aluminum

    This course focuses on advanced techniques of the T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process, welding on aluminum. Students will be trained on flat, horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. At the end of this course students will take two A.W.S. (American Welding Society) qualification tests on 3/8” thick aluminum using the T.I.G. process. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 230  
    3 credits plus 3 contacts = 6 Laboratory
  • ETW 240 - Advanced Flux Cored Arc Welding

    Formerly WELD 222  

    .  This course focuses on Flux Cored Arc Welding (F.C.A.W.) on 3/8 mild steel plate in all position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking two A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification tests in the 3-G (vertical) and 4-G (overhead) positions on 3/8 mild steel plate. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    3 credits plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 241 - Basic Flux Cored Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 223  

    This course focuses on Flux Cored Arc Welding (F.C.A.W.) on 6” schedule 80 pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification test in the 5-G position on 6” schedule 80 pipe.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 240  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 242 - Advanced Flux Cored Arc Welding: Pipe

    Formerly WELD 224  

    This course focuses on F.C.A.W. (Flux Cored Arc Welding) on 6” schedule 80 pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. (American Welding Society) certification test in the 6-G position on 6” diameter, schedule 80 pipe. 
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 241  
    4 credits plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory

  • ETW 270 - Industrial Fabrication

    Formerly WELD 219  

    This course gives students the skills and knowledge necessary to fabricate an intricate weldment utilizing a detailed print along with the unique tools found in the welding and fabrication industry. Students will fabricate a project to a dimensional tolerance of plus or minus 1/16” and one angular degree.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  and ETW 170  
    3 credits plus 1 contacts = 2 lecture, 2 laboratory


  • ENG 050 - Basic Skills for College Writing

    This course is designed to help students become competent writers at the college level. In addition to reviewing grammar and editing rules, students will learn about the writing process and how to write various types of sentences, paragraphs and multi-paragraph assignments for a college reader.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 075 - Basic Writing Skills II

    This is a basic writing course that can either be a continuation of ENG 050  for those students who are still not adequately prepared for the rigors of ENG 101 , or a basic writing course for those students whose writing skills are too advanced for ENG 050 , yet not strong enough for satisfactory completion of ENG 101 . Emphasis will focus on the writing process used to produce 300-500 word paragraphs and 500-1,000 word essays work on sentence combining to address grammatical errors and to develop the stylistic maturity needed for the writing required in ENG 101 .
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 101 - English Composition I

    This course includes various types of current prose, a study of English usage, and intensive practice in composition, all of which is designed to improve a student’s ability to express ideas in a clear, logical and forceful manner.
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of writing assessment or ENG 050  or ENG 075  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 101H - Honors English Composition I

    The course content consists of the concepts stressed in ENG 101  with greater depth in reading and composition, based upon a premise of superior preparation.
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of writing assessment and acceptance into the Honors Program
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 101T - Introduction to Writing for Technical Students

    Written and oral work is chosen with special attention to the interest of the technically oriented student. There is work on technical research methods and report forms. Essays studied and written by the student meet the general requirements for writing competence.
    Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of writing assessment or ENG 050  or ENG 075  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 102 - English Composition II

    This course will provide practice in writing extensive units of composition with emphasis on critical thinking skills. Through the study of a variety of texts, students will practice analytical and interpretative writing, including one formal source paper involving training in the use of library facilities and research techniques.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 101H  or ENG 101T  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 102H - Honors English Composition II

    This course content offers an enriched approach to achieve the same objectives as ENG 102 .
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101H  or ENG 101  and acceptance into the Honors Program
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 104 - Technical Report Writing

    This course studies problems in technical communications. Oral and written reports along with memorandum, the prospectus and industrial letters of various types are stressed and practiced. ENG 104  will substitute for ENG 102  in technical programs.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 , ENG 101H  or ENG 101T  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 202 - Creative Writing

    This course provides an introduction to the craft involved in creating imaginative works. Through reading, writing, presenting, and critiquing works, students will gain an understanding of the process of creative writing, and will produce written works in a variety of genres.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 203 - Advanced Creative Writing

    This course offers the student who has successfully completed ENG 202  an opportunity for additional practice in creative writing as well as an exploration of creative writing venues and further educational opportunities.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 202  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 205 - Introduction to Fiction

    This course surveys fiction from American and international writers, focusing on the formal elements of fiction, its historical, political, and personal contexts as well as the analysis of thematic strains in short fiction, the novella, and the novel.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 206 - Introduction to the Drama

    This course introduces students to the unique features and techniques of dramatic literature and to the historical development of theater from its origins to contemporary staging.  The primary emphasis is to aid the student in a critical understanding of plays and playwrights.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 207 - Introduction to Poetry

    This course surveys poetry from American and international writers, focusing on the formal elements of poetry, its historical, political, and personal contexts as well as the analysis of thematic strains in poetry.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 208 - Introduction to Mythology

    This course will examine myths from diverse ancient and modern cultures through an analysis of common elements and functions. Historical, social and psychological approaches will be used to study the myths of Greece, Rome, Europe, Asia, India, as well as the Americas, showing the power of these stories for both individuals and cultures.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 210 - British Literature I

    This survey course covers major literary works from their beginnings through the 18th century, examining significant works and major authors to gain an understanding and appreciation of the literary contributions of Britain to world literature.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 211 - British Literature II

    This survey course covers major British literary works from the 18th century to the present examining significant works and major authors to gain an understanding and appreciation of the literary contribution of Britain and its former colonies to world literature.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 212 - Shakespeare’s Comedies, Tragedies and History Plays

    A study of selected plays by Shakespeare, including comedies, tragedies, histories, and romances. While the course’s primary focus is on Shakespeare’s artistry as a playwright, his non-dramatic works as well as the larger context of English Renaissance literature may also be studied as a part of this course.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 220 - American Literature I

    This course is a survey of American literature and literary history from its beginning through the Civil War. Representative American literature is studied while the literature is read for understanding, critical examination, and enjoyment.  Emphasis is placed on the literary, cultural, and social developments of the time periods.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 221 - American Literature II

    This course is a survey of American literature and literary history since the Civil War. Representative American literature is studied while reading literature for understanding, critical examination, and enjoyment.  Emphasis is placed on critical literary study and a survey of the cultural and social development of that period in America.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 225 - African American Literature

    This course provides a survey of African American literature juxtaposed against a general history of the United States.  Emphasis shall be placed upon analysis of thought, style, and form with special focus upon the contributions made by this literature to the American literary canon and the American experience.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 230 - World Literature I

    Students will study major literary works in a variety of literary genres such as poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction beginning with Antiquity through the Renaissance.  Students will examine great works of literature and place them in their appropriate social, cultural, international, and artistic periods. Students will learn to recognize some of the great ideas that have arisen in our world’s cultures. The course will help students better understand how literature from around the world has shaped their own literature and culture.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 231 - World Literature II

    Students will study major literary works in a variety of literary genres such as poetry, fiction, drama, and non-fiction from the end of the Renaissance through the 21st century. Students will examine great works of literature and place them in their appropriate social, cultural, international, and artistic periods. Students will learn to recognize some of the great ideas that have arisen in our world’s cultures. The course will help students better understand how literature from around the world has shaped their own literature and culture. 
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 236 - Women in Literature

    Women authors and images of women in various literary works are studied to increase students’ awareness of women’s experiences and the role that society’s view of gender play.  As illustrated in selected readings for this class, the literature by and about women reflects various cultural, historical, political and psychological views of women’s lives.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 243 - Introduction to the Short Story

    The short story displays a unique set of characteristics whose form and theory reveal it as a distinct literary genre. The course will focus on in-depth discussions of short stories with an emphasis on textual analysis. Through direct engagement with stories from different historical contexts and from around the world, students will seek to understand a variety of values, ethics, and traits that are found in short stories.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 245 - Introduction to the Novel

    This course introduces students to the unique literary form of the novel as well as the cultural conditions that played a role in its development around the world.  Through the reading and analysis of novels from different time periods and places, students will understand the structure(s) of the novel as well as the historical conditions that helped produce the work. 
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 249 - Foundation for Literary Criticism

    Students will study techniques for analyzing literary work through close examination of basic critical texts.  Using established literary theories, students will practice writing essays.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  and ENG 102  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 252 - Children’s Literature

    Students learn how to critically evaluate children’s literature for pre-school through adolescent audiences.  Students will survey and read both classic and modern works as they learn criteria for evaluating works from each genre.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 255 - Introduction to Film

    This course will introduce students to general aspects of motion picture history, criticism, and theory in America and around the world.  The course will also provide students with opportunities for an increased appreciation of cinematic art through written analysis of film.  Readings and discussions of various terms, techniques, and elements of film will be emphasized.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ENG 257 - Selected Topics in Literature and Language

    This course is an intensive study of one or more specialized interests in language and/or literature. Topics will be selected by the discipline.
    Prerequisite(s): ENG 101 
    1-3 credits = 1-3 lecture


  • FIN 215 - Introduction to Corporate Finance

    This course provides an introduction to the study of corporate financial decision making. Financial decisions have an important impact on the financial management of organizations. Some of the topics covered include: the time value of money; capital budgeting; financial planning models; risk management; the business valuation models; and discounted cash flows.
    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 211  
    Corequisite(s): None
    3 credit hours = 3 lecture

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