Sep 27, 2024  
2014-15 Catalog 
2014-15 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Reading a Course Description

At the bottom of the course descriptions, students will see a pattern such as 3 credits, plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture, 2 laboratory, OR 4 credits = 4 lecture/laboratory. The numbers will change based on the individual course. Tuition is charged by the contact hour.

Some course descriptions contain two-letter codes indicating that they meet certain general education competencies. The competencies, along with their codes, are listed below:

Computer Literacy = CL
Critical Thinking = CT
Global Awareness = GA
Government and the Political Process = GP
Mathematics = MA
Oral Communication = OC
Writing = WR

For some courses a prerequisite course or assessment score is required prior to registration. Students who believe that the prerequisite was met through previous college work or work experience may ask the course instructor for permission to waive the prerequisite. It is up to the student to provide the evidence for this waiver request.

Students placing into RD 050 Introduction to College Reading I are required to take the course their first semester. RD 050 is considered a co-requisite to any course in the college catalog.

Prerequisite Waivers

Any course prerequisite may be waived by the permission of the instructor. Student must contact the instructor for approval.

Directed Study

Directed Study is intended as an enrichment opportunity for the student. It is designed for topics not covered in any other course in the catalog and may take the form of a project or research. The interested student may obtain the appropriate form from the instructor or department chair.

Independent Study

Any college course described in the catalog may be taken as independent study if there are unusual and extenuating circumstances. However, the student must initiate acceptance and approval for supervision by an instructor and obtain the appropriate form from the instructor or academic lead.

Selected Topics

All disciplines have a course as follows with the acronym for each discipline − 195 Selected Topics − a course that offers an intensive investigation of one or more topics of current interest. Topics are selected by discipline. Interested students should inform the instructor of their interest at the earliest possible date. Special requirements may be necessary. 1 to 5 credits = 1 to 5 lecture and/or laboratory.

Currently Inactive Courses

These courses may be offered in the future. If students are interested in having a currently inactive course listed in the fall, winter, or summer schedule, contact the academic lead or instructor in the appropriate area.

Inactive classes are listed here .


Criminal Justice

  • CJ 105 - Police Procedures

    This course is designed to provide students with an orientation to patrol procedures. Areas examined are basic patrol operations and techniques to include search and seizure, arrest and civil disorder. Ethical police behavior and interpersonal communication are discussed in relationship to police procedures.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 109 - Introduction to Security Issues

    This course is an introduction and career orientation to the field of security. Topics include the basic principles of public and private security, terrorism, risk management systems, protection of people and business, investigations, computer security, fire prevention and safety, and institutional security systems (industrial, commercial and institutional). Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 119 - The Court Function

    This course is designed to cover arguments over the nature of justice. The course includes a brief history of the development of the Anglo-American legal system; basic tenets of American criminal law and procedure; the organization of courts, the powers, selection, training and professional orientation of key court personnel. This course will describe the steps in the Criminal Justice process from arrest through the appeal; current developments in court technology and administration; and issues related to the discretion of court officials.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 121 - Introduction to Corrections

    This course is designed to introduce students to the historical and philosophical background of the field of corrections and to familiarize them with the legal processes involved: probation, imprisonment and parole. The role of officers and the rights of prisoners will be discussed and community-based corrections described.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 202 - Criminal Law

    This course is a study of substantive law as a means of defining and preserving social order. Sources of criminal law, classification of crimes against persons, property and public welfare; principles of criminal liability, elements necessary to establish crime and criminal intent, specific crimes and defenses, and constitutional limitations are examined.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 206 - Dynamics of Traffic Enforcement

    This course is designed to familiarize the student with proper procedures for traffic control and enforcement. Specifically, the State of Michigan motor vehicle laws and procedures, arrests, citations, alcohol and accident investigation are examined.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 208 - Field Service Observation

    This course is designed to broaden the educational experiences of the student through observation. The agencies involved in the observations may vary as to the interest of the student.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  and CJ 105  or CJ 121  
    1 credit (60 hours of observation 4 clock hours contact with field advisor) = 1 observation
  • CJ 209 - Pressure Points Control Tactics (PPCT)

    This is a basic course that focuses on the use of less-than-lethal defensive tactics. The course includes subject matter dealing with unarmed defensive tactics, control and movement of subjects, control of inmate populations, use of non-lethal weapons and officer survival. The course also includes practical training that is based on methods of both defensive and offensive techniques utilized in the control of violent subjects. Upon successful completion of this program, the student will become a certified “Basic” practitioner of P.P.C.T. (pressure points control tactics) Defensive Tactics, a necessary requirement for the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards certification.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 105  or CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 210 - Dynamics of Substance Abuse

    This course is designed to equip students with up-to-date knowledge concerning the historical and cultural attitudes toward use of alcohol and other drugs, as well as the psychological and physical effects of their use and abuse. Social and political implications of drug abuse and available treatment modalities are also discussed.
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 180  or permission of instructor
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 215 - Basic Criminal Investigation

    This course presents the basic principles of criminal investigation. The course covers the investigative procedures used in handling of crime scene. The procedures discussed include the interviewing and interrogation of persons, the gathering and preserving of evidence and the writing of investigative reports. Also covered in the course are different methods of investigations including conducting surveillances, undercover operations and working with informants. Basic lab techniques and procedures that are integral parts of an investigation are conducted.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  and CJ 105 
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 220 - Specific Offense Investigation

    This course provides students with the techniques of investigating specific offenses to include arson, burglary, narcotic violations, larceny, criminal sexual conduct, robbery and homicide. Laboratory techniques and procedures that are an integral part of forensic science investigations are demonstrated. Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  and CJ 105 
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 222 - Client Relations in Corrections

    This course will explore the social and cultural differences that exist between inmates and corrections officers. Factors such as economic status, discrimination and minority membership as well as societal response to these factors will be emphasized. The role of the corrections officer within custodial care settings to deal effectively with inmate relationships will be discussed. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 223 - Correctional Institutions/Facilities

    This course is designed to prepare students for employment in the corrections system. It will explore the function of prisons, various rehabilitation programs, custodial care and prisoner rights. The organization and management of correctional institutions and their safety and security also will be described. Concerns about future developments and problems in the corrections system will be addressed. Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 101  or CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 224 - Legal Issues in Corrections

    This course will examine and analyze the roles of the legislature, courts, prosecutors and attorneys in the criminal process. This course will place special emphasis on legal concerns within the corrections system itself. This will include, but not be limited to, the constitutional rights of prisoners and the potential civil liability that correctional facilities and corrections personnel face when those rights are violated. The impact of recent case law decisions and future development resulting from those decisions will be discussed. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 226 - Client Growth and Development in Corrections

    This course is intended for students requiring an understanding of human behavior, psychopathology and treatment interventions, as they relate to the correctional client. This course will emphasize and differentiate between normal and criminal behavior and will define personality, social roles, criminal lifestyles and presenting biological, psychosocial and sociocultural theories of normal and deviant human behavior. Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 228 - Probation and Parole

    This course is designed to prepare students for employment in the criminal Justice/corrections field. It will introduce the student to the historical background and development of probation and parole from early history to the post-modern probation and parole system. In addition to the historical information, students will explore the court system and how an offender progresses through the same. Students will learn the sentencing process starting with the pre-sentence investigation. Sentencing options will be reviewed, sentencing guidelines will be explained and the rationale for sentencing recommendations made to the court will be studied. The juvenile justice system will be studied with juvenile probation and other available dispositions reviewed. The American probation system, community-based corrections and parole will be studied. Included will be the roles and duties of the modern parole officer. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • CJ 280 - Contemporary Police Organizations

    (Formerly CJ 201 and CJ 211). This course is designed to provide students with a basic orientation to government structure and law enforcement including the police and law, police in the Criminal Justice system, the diversity of the police establishment and the varieties of police at local, state and federal levels. It will examine the structure of law enforcement administrations, related human resource issues especially including the selection process, leadership, management theories, organizational structures, ethical dilemmas, civil liabilities, police subculture and behavior, and policing in the future.
    Prerequisite(s): CJ 105  or CJ 121  
    3 credits = 3 lecture

Early Childhood Education

  • ECE 105 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education

    This course will introduce students to the field of early childhood education and the need for educated early childhood professionals. Emphasis is on the professional aspects of early childhood education and child care, including: historical perspectives; contributions in the field; current practices and trends; understanding the various roles of the early childhood settings and identifying quality components of such. This course will benefit both future and present early childhood professionals. Students are required to observe various early childhood settings/facilities and interview early childhood professionals working in the field.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA credential, the Michigan Department of Education paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 108 - Caring for Infants and Toddlers

    This course will introduce students to the essentials of infant and toddler growth and development and the specialized care giving skills needed to work effectively with the zero to three populations. Emphasis is on developmental milestones; developmentally appropriate practice; standards of quality care; and current theories, research and findings related to infants and toddlers. Students will explore the various domains of development including: physical (fine and gross motor); cognitive; emotional; social; and language, as well as gain an understanding of the “whole” child. This course will benefit early childhood professionals working with infants and toddlers, as well as parents of infants and toddlers. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA credential, the Michigan Department of Education paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 109 - Working with School-Age Children

    This course will introduce students to the care and teaching of school-age children and youth in out-of-school environments, including before-and after-school, holiday and summer programs. Emphasis is on the needs and the development of school-age children; standards of quality care; and best practices. This course will benefit early childhood professionals and others working with school-age children. Students will explore various current issues and conditions that many children face today. Other topics include developmental theories and theorists; programming and administration; activities and curriculum planning; family and community involvement; and program accreditation. Offered winter semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 111 - Music and Movement in Early Childhood

    This course will introduce students to music making and music play within early childhood education. Students will learn the importance of music education during early childhood and how music education is linked to literacy and comprehension. This course will cover basic melody composition, referencing folk songs and other songs we grew up singing. Songs will be accompanied by movement games including marching, skipping, tip-toes, and skating. Along with the lecture portion of this class, students will participate in actual early childhood music classes, working with children ages birth to 5 years. This course will benefit early childhood professionals working with young children, as well as parents of young children.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA renewal of CDA, the Michigan Department of Education Paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    2 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 200A - Early Childhood Education Practicum

    This course will serve as a description for ECE 200A , ECE 200B , ECE 200C  and ECE 200D . Students will integrate college classroom instruction with on-the-job learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a licensed and instructor-approved child care facility and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the child care facility gaining direct experience working with young children. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. This course must be taken concurrently with ECE 108 , ECE 109 , ECE 204 , ECE 205 , ECE 206  or ECE 211   unless instructor permission is granted. If desired, students may take each credit at a different location to broaden their experience and knowledge for a maximum of four credits total. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: *Students may clock hours of experience toward completion of the CDA credential.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  or permission of instructor
    1 credit = 1 lecture /laboratory
  • ECE 200B - Early Childhood Education Practicum

    This course will serve as a description for ECE 200A , ECE 200B , ECE 200C  and ECE 200D . Students will integrate college classroom instruction with on-the-job learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a licensed and instructor-approved child care facility and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the child care facility gaining direct experience working with young children. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. This course must be taken concurrently with ECE 108 , ECE 109 , ECE 204 , ECE 205 , ECE 206  or ECE 211   unless instructor permission is granted. If desired, students may take each credit at a different location to broaden their experience and knowledge for a maximum of four credits total. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: *Students may clock hours of experience toward completion of the CDA credential.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  or permission of instructor
    1 credit = 1 lecture /laboratory
  • ECE 200C - Early Childhood Education Practicum

    This course will serve as a description for ECE 200A , ECE 200B , ECE 200C  and ECE 200D . Students will integrate college classroom instruction with on-the-job learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a licensed and instructor-approved child care facility and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the child care facility gaining direct experience working with young children. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. This course must be taken concurrently with ECE 108 , ECE 109 , ECE 204 , ECE 205 , ECE 206  or ECE 211   unless instructor permission is granted. If desired, students may take each credit at a different location to broaden their experience and knowledge for a maximum of four credits total. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: *Students may clock hours of experience toward completion of the CDA credential.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  or permission of instructor
    1 credit = 1 lecture /laboratory
  • ECE 200D - Early Childhood Education Practicum

    This course will serve as a description for ECE 200A , ECE 200B , ECE 200C  and ECE 200D . Students will integrate college classroom instruction with on-the-job learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a licensed and instructor-approved child care facility and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the child care facility gaining direct experience working with young children. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. This course must be taken concurrently with ECE 108 , ECE 109 , ECE 204 , ECE 205 , ECE 206  or ECE 211   unless instructor permission is granted. If desired, students may take each credit at a different location to broaden their experience and knowledge for a maximum of four credits total. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: *Students may clock hours of experience toward completion of the CDA credential.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  or permission of instructor
    1 credit = 1 lecture /laboratory
  • ECE 204 - Health, Safety & Nutrition for Young Children

    This course will provide a comprehensive examination of the critical issues related to children’s health, safety and nutrition, and the development of practical strategies for creating safe and healthy environments for young children. Emphasis is on the importance of the role early childhood professionals play in promoting good health and life-long healthy attitudes and practices for young children. This course will benefit early childhood professionals currently working with young children, those new to the field, as well as parents of young children. Topics include: SIDS, FAS/FAE; HIV/AIDS; child abuse and neglect; health appraisals and assessment tools; allergies; communicable and acute illnesses (identification and management); management of accidents and injuries; basic concepts of food, nutrition and menu planning; and the educational importance of indoor and outdoor physical activities and experiences for children. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA credential, the Michigan Department of Education paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 205 - Supportive Learning Environments for Young Children

    This course will focus on creating and maintaining a supportive learning environment for young children. All aspects of the early childhood setting will be explored, including: physical room arrangement and use of space; learning centers, areas or stations; schedules and daily routines; appropriate guidance and discipline techniques; social-emotional aspects, climate and atmosphere. Emphasis is on meeting the physical needs of young children. Additional topics include: the importance of play; physical/motor development and developmentally appropriate activities; methods of observing and recording a child’s development; and establishing productive relationships with parents. Offered fall semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA credential, the Michigan Department of Education paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 206 - Developmental Curriculum for Young Children

    Students will gain fundamental knowledge and skills in planning developmentally appropriate curriculum and activities designed to enhance learning and foster competence in all areas of the young child. Topics include: lesson plans and theme/unit development; methods and skills which enhance children’s development; dynamics of planning and conducting group activities and group management; importance of appropriate learning materials and equipment; multi-cultural and anti-bias curriculum; communication skills; language and literacy; math, science and social studies; songs and music; and the creative arts. Offered winter semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA credential, the Michigan Department of Education paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105 . (ECE 205  is recommended.)
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 207 - Child Development Associate (CDA) Assessment Preparation

    This course is designed to assist and support students planning to complete the National Child Development Associate (CDA) Credentialing Program. Students will examine the CDA Credentialing qualifications, process, procedures and competency statements as specified by the National Credentialing Program. The instructor/field advisor will monitor and guide students in the fulfillment of national credentialing requirements. Course meets CDA requirements for formal child care training and education in content area maintaining a commitment to professionalism. Offered winter semester only.
    NOTE: CDA candidates must have completed or be in the process of completing (within the past five years) 120 clock hours of formal child care training and education, with no fewer than 10 clock hours in each of the eight content areas outlined by the National Credentialing Program. CDA candidates must be currently working with young children in an appropriate child care setting. See ECE program lead.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  and ECE 205 ; may be taken concurrently with ECE 206 .
    3 credits = 3 lecture/on-site visitations
  • ECE 211 - Creative Art for Young Children

    This course will give students the knowledge and tools needed to develop rich, meaningful activities that integrate art into the early childhood curriculum. This course will benefit early childhood professionals currently working with children ages one through eight, as well as those new to the field. Emphasis is on developmentally appropriate practices and designing safe, open-ended art experiences and activities. Students will explore a variety of art mediums appropriate for young children, including: drawing, collage, painting, play-dough and clay, printmaking, fiber art, sculpture, group art and art for dramatic play. Other topics include: children’s artistic development; the creative process; child-centered and child-directed activities; thematic teaching; and integrating art with language arts, music, science, math and social studies. Offered winter semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion of the CDA credential, the Michigan Department of Education paraprofessional requirements and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105 
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ECE 275 - Early Childhood Program Administration

    This course examines the administrator’s role in directing an early childhood program or child care center. Emphasis is on the range of administrative responsibilities related to creating, operating and maintaining a successful, high quality early childhood program/center. Topics include: budget; finances and funding; interpersonal skills; leadership styles and roles; licensing, credentialing and accreditation; marketing; organizing, planning and equipment; policy development; staffing selection, supervision and training; and parent/family involvement and education. This course is strongly recommended as an elective in the Early Childhood Education program and will benefit both future and present early childhood program administrators, directors and assistant directors. Offered winter semester only.
    NOTE: Students may clock hours of formal child care training and education toward completion or renewal of CDA Credential and child care licensing requirements for Michigan.
    Prerequisite(s): ECE 105  or permission of instructor
    3 credits = 3 lecture


  • ED 100 - Methods of Learning and Tutoring

    This course is for new and current paraprofessionals, teacher aides, trainers and prospective teachers. It is an introduction to the methods and techniques of teaching and tutoring various subjects to small groups and individuals. Students will demonstrate an ability to assist or facilitate learning for a K-12 student. Students will receive instruction enhancements using techniques in multiple intelligences, learning styles, brain-based instruction, and emotional intelligences. Other training will include approaches to instruction for the K-12 student in reading, writing and mathematics.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ED 101 - Introduction to a Career In Teaching

    This course is an introduction to the purposes and functions of education in American society for those planning a career in teaching or other educational service occupations. The course addresses issues such as the education of a prospective teacher, the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers, the history of education, school reform, teacher certification, financing public education and the purposes of schooling and curriculum. The course is designed to answer the student question of “why teach” and to assist students in their decision to pursue a career in education. Twenty hours of observation in K-12 settings is required. State laws may require a background check and finger-printing. Students are responsible for paying fees required for the background check.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ED 120 - Educational Behavior Management

    This course will explore how to connect issues in behavior management and discipline to current themes in curricular design. Issues will also include hands-on practice with techniques addressing the developmentally challenged learner. Strategies of positive and productive management to enhance learners’ behaviors will be role-played to promote meaningful learning and critical thinking. Topics will include peer mediation, “I Care” philosophy and The Theory of Constraints.
    Prerequisite(s): None; students are strongly encouraged to take PSY 210  or PSY 220  prior to this course
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ED 162 - Integrative Technology in the Classroom

    This course will give students the practical, hands-on training and experience in several areas of classroom technology including using word processing software and external equipment including image scanning, digital painting, digital photography and image projection; slide shows with software; desktop publishing software to create several fliers, newsletters and other communication materials for classroom use and parent communication; creating classroom management spreadsheets for grade books and graphic reporting; experiencing telecommunications in classroom research and lesson delivery by using the Internet, email, virtual field trips, interactive television, and other web resources.
    Prerequisite(s): CIS 115  
    4 credits = 4 lecture /laboratory
  • ED 200A - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for  ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 100  or ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 200B - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for  ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 100  or ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 200C - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for  ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 100  or ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 200D - Education Observation Field Placement

    This course will serve as a description for  ED 200A , ED 200B , ED 200C  and ED 200D . This course will integrate weekly college classroom instruction with on-location learning through a required 64-hour practicum experience. Students will select a K-12 classroom with a certified teacher or paraprofessional and will spend three to five hours per week over the course of the semester in the classroom gaining direct experience working with teachers, paraprofessionals and students. At the end of the semester, students will evaluate their experience and performance, as well as submitting journal entries and time sheets. It is recommended that students take each credit at a different location and classroom to broaden their experience and knowledge for the credits required. Students will be required to show proof of a negative TB test (1 year or newer) prior to beginning their observation. It is recommended that students successfully complete the Michigan Basic Teacher Skills Test.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ED 100  or ED 101  
    1 credit , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ED 205 - Integrative Arts in the Classroom

    This course offers students the opportunity to observe and participate in the fine arts and to apply this coursework to a pre-K-12 classroom. Students will be encouraged to attend and participate in fine arts activities, as a group and/or individually. Students will create a portfolio of multiple arts activities that assist in the development of basic learning skills in a pre-K-12 classroom. This course integrates the development of academic skills with creative abilities using the fine arts that benefit various learning styles and multiple intelligences.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
  • ED 220 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners

    This course addresses the physical, psychological, social and educational factors related to exceptional individuals, including those who experience giftedness as well as those who experience disability. Students will be afforded the opportunity to identify, evaluate and modify their personal attitudes and beliefs regarding exceptionality. This course will benefit those who are paraprofessionals, teachers, parents or in any of the human service careers working within a teaching/learning setting.
    Prerequisite(s): ED 101  or ECE 105  
    4 credits = 4 lecture

Engineering Technology

  • ETA 110 - Planning a Sustainable Alternative Energy System

    (Formerly AET 181). The emphasis of this course will be to design an energy system for either a home or small business. In addition to classroom learning and student research, the student will develop a written plan. The final project goal will be zero energy dependence on the power grid. A final written report with research sources, materials used, drawings, and explanations as to how the goal will be achieved is required, and will be critiqued by fellow students and program advisors.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETA 120 - Installation & Control of Energy Systems

    (Formerly AET 182). This course will be an on-site installation of a complete energy system with power and efficiency monitoring and remote sensing. Installation of two or more sustainable energy sources connected to a charge controller and inverter with optional connection to the power grid is required. The wiring of sources to a controller and inverter system to meet safety and local code rules will be achieved.
    Prerequisite(s): ETA 110  
    4 credits = 3 lecture , 1 laboratory
  • ETA 130 - National Electrical Code (NEC Handbook)

    (Formerly AET 183). The sections of the National Electrical Code related to high voltage AC wiring for three-phase wind energy turbines with delta and wye connections and proper grounding code rules will be discussed and illustrated. DC and low voltage circuit wiring and proper ground and code rules will be discussed and illustrated. Rules and regulations regarding Inverters/DC charge controllers and connections to the power grid will be discussed and illustrated. Solar panel wiring and proper connection and termination will be discussed and illustrated.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 115  or ETM 110  
    2 credits = 2 lecture
  • ETA 160 - Battery Powered Electric Vehicles - Beginner

    (Formerly AET111). This course provides training on the design methods and practical maintenance of battery powered electric vehicles (BEVs). Detailed safety precautions and battery technology basics will encompass about 50% of the course. BEV history will be covered along with the pros and cons of electric vehicles. Other topics include past battery technologies, basic battery testing, electric motor types and lithium battery management systems. The remainder of the class time will be devoted to the actual assembly of electronic components for a complete gasoline-to-electric conversion. Students (at least 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license) will have the opportunity to drive the converted vehicle after assembly.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit = 0.5 lecture , 0.5 laboratory
  • ETA 165 - Battery Powered Electric Vehicles - Intermediate

    (Formerly AET 112). This course provides practical training on the design and use of electronic controllers, battery management systems (primarily for Lithium-Iron-Phosphate batteries), power management, DC to DC converters, accessory systems, SAE J1772 AC protocols, J1772 Level 1 and 2 of DC to DC direct current charging, balancing of a battery pack for optimum performance and longevity, solutions for enhanced braking, solutions for air conditioning, and heating and mechanical interface challenges. Potential future technologies will be covered.
    Prerequisite(s): ETA 160  - completed within the last two years prior to the starting date of ETA 165  or permission of instructor.
    1 credit = 0.5 lecture , 0.5 laboratory
  • ETA 170 - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles

    (Formerly AET 113). This course provides an introduction to Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) and standard Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs). Topics will include hybrid battery systems, regenerative braking, safety procedures and hybrid maintenance. A portion of the course will include hands-on conversion of a standard Hybrid Electric Vehicle to a Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle.
    Prerequisite(s): ETA 160  or ETA 165  - either one completed within the last two years prior to the starting date of ETA 170  or permission of instructor.
    1 credit = 0.5 lecture , 0.5 laboratory
  • ETA 250 - Integrated Facility & Energy Systems Internship

    (Formerly AET 250). This course consists of work experience in industry relating to facility and energy management (80 hours of work experience related to the objectives equals 1 credit). This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training agreement developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college. Special requirements may be necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
    1 credit (80 hours of work experience = 1 credit) =
  • ETE 110 - Fundamentals of Direct Current Electronics

    (Formerly ELT 130A). This is a basic course to introduce students to analog electronics. Emphasis is placed on D.C. concepts. Topics include resistive, capacitive and inductive components in series and parallel, D.C. combinations, ohms Law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws, the voltage divider rule and RC time constants. Students will build and troubleshoot D.C. circuits using a digital multimeter and oscilloscope.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    2 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 1.5 lecture , 1.5 laboratory
    GA with ETE
  • ETE 115 - Fundamentals of Alternating Current Electronics

    (Formerly ELT 130B). This is a basic course to introduce students to the many uses of alternating current. Students will learn how to use transformers, function generators and the oscilloscope in testing A.C. circuits built in lab. Students will also learn A.C. concepts including reactance, resonance, tuning, AC to DC conversion, isolation and safety.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    Corequisite(s): ETE 110  
    2 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 1.5 lecture , 1.5 laboratory
    GA with ETE 110 and ETE 120
  • ETE 120 - Semiconductor Devices and Circuits

    (Formerly ELT 131). This course focuses on semiconductor diode and transistor theory, filter circuits, power supplies, transistor parameters, load lines, biasing, amplifier tests and measurements, A-C circuit analysis of voltage and current operational amplifiers.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 110  and ETE 115  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture , 3 laboratory
    GA with ETE 110 and ETE 115
  • ETE 130 - Digital Circuits

    (Formerly ELT 135). This is a basic course to introduce students to digital electronics. Topics include basic logic gates, the binary number system, Boolean logic, flip-flops, shift-registers, BCD decoder driver circuits, encoders, multiplexers, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, seven-segment displays and memory devices.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETE 140 - Assembling a Computer

    (Formerly ELT 155). This is an introductory course on how the computer’s major components work at the hardware level. Students will learn the basics of assembling, maintaining and repairing a computer. Topics include the power system, motherboard, BIOS, floppy drives, hard drives, limited peripheral device exposure, memory and limited troubleshooting. This course prepares the student to take the A+ Certification course for more detailed instruction. It is recommended that students who have completed ELT 160 do not take this course.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit = .5 lecture , .5 laboratory
  • ETE 150 - Electronics Technology Co-op

    (Formerly ELT 150). This course consists of work experience in industry (each 80 hours of work experience related to the objectives equals 1 credit). This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training agreement developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college. Special requirements may be necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 120 , ENG 101  or ENG 101T , MTH 102  or higher (GPA ≥ 2.5 in major area of study) and permission of instructor.
    1 to 6 credits; 80 hours of work experience = 1 credit =
  • ETE 180 - Fundamentals of Residential Wiring

    (Formerly ELT 105). This course introduces students to basic electricity and its applications. A study of practical circuits used in residential building wiring, national electrical code and local code requirements, safety, blueprint reading and practical laboratory experiences are also featured.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETE 185 - Michigan Rules & Regulations for Electrical Apprentices

    This course is to prepare the electrical apprentice to know, understand, and apply the Michigan Rules, Regulations and Code for electricians.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit = 1 lecture
  • ETE 190 - National Fire Alarms

    This course is to prepare the electrical apprentice to know, understand, and apply the National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit = 1 lecture
  • ETE 210 - Industrial Electronics

    (Formerly ELT 231). The physical considerations involved in the industrial applications of solid state devices are discussed and analyzed, along with rectifier circuits, amplifiers, oscillator control circuits, electronic motor control, servo-mechanisms, pressure, temperature and optical devices.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 120 
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
    CL, CT and OC if taken with ETE 230
  • ETE 220 - Communications Circuits

    (Formerly ELT 232). This course is a survey of analog and digital communications circuits, antennas, transmission lines, frequency spectrum and sending and receiving equipment. Fiber optics and error detecting codes will be covered. This course is a review and culmination of basic electronic principles obtained in previous electronic courses. Offered winter or summer semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 120 
    3 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETE 230 - Microcontrollers: Energy Control Systems I

    (Formerly ELT 236). This course introduces students to the programming of a Stamp Microcontroller using P-Basic language. Programs will be written on a PC and downloaded to the Microcontroller. Hardware such as a photovoltaic tracking energy system and a 3-phase wind turbine will be controlled by the Microcontroller. Data is logged by sensors and sent to the PC for real time display and printing when needed. Wiring concepts and formulas for all circuits are presented and used in the laboratory exercises in this course. Completion of a capstone team energy project and report is required.
    Prerequisite(s): ETE 110  and ETE 115  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture , 3 laboratory
    CL, CT, OC with ETE 210
  • ETG 110 - Introduction to Drafting

    (Formerly EG 110). This course offers an introduction to the use of drafting instruments, along with drills in geometric constructions; practice in lettering; reading and checking of drawings; principles of orthographic projection; practice in making of working drawings, and drafting practices in manual representation.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    2 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETG 120 - Fundamentals of Computer-Aided Drafting

    (Formerly EG 111). This course offers an introduction to the use of AutoCAD focusing on geometric construction and editing tools. The students will learn how to make the transition from traditional manual drafting techniques to computer-aided drafting practices. CAD provides the students with a wide range of benefits including increased accuracy and productivity.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 110  
    2 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETG 130 - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

    (Formerly EG 115, DR 115 and MFT 115). This course is designed to develop technical knowledge and skills which will enable the student to prepare and interpret engineering drawings using the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing System in accordance with the current ANSI Standards.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 120  or ETG 180  
    2 credits , plus .5 contact hours = 2 lecture , .5 laboratory
  • ETG 140 - Advanced Drafting with AutoCAD

    (Formerly EG 162). This course will provide students with an overview of applications as they apply to the fields of engineering drafting and design. The students will learn and apply computer-aided design techniques and principles to create drawings and will learn the software capability of the system by generating, moving and editing the basic geometric elements. Students will become familiar with system hardware such as CRT, keyboard, menu, etc. In addition to formal classroom lecture and demonstrations, students will use equipment such as a CAD system and other related hardware to complete a series of assignments.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 120  or ETG 180  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETG 150 - Engineering Graphics & Design Technology Co-Op

    (Formerly EG 150). A feature of this course is the six weeks or more work experience in industry in the program of study for which the student is enrolled. This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training program developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college. Special requirements may be necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
    1 to 6 credits; 80 hours work experience = 1 credit =
  • ETG 160 - SolidWorks - Product Design & Development

    (Formerly EG 163). This course provides an introduction to the process of developing solid models using a solid modeling program. Techniques for planning, developing, organizing and maintaining CAD files related to solid modeling will be addressed. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, students will explore the concepts and usage of explicit modeling, parametric modeling and feature-based modeling by using all of these tools integrated within SolidWorks.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 110  or ETG 120  or ETG 180  
    3 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETG 170 - CATIA Basics

    (Formerly EG 164). This course provides an introduction to the process of developing solid models using a hybrid solid modeler. Techniques for planning, developing, organizing and maintaining C.A.D. files related to solid modeling will be addressed. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, students will explore the concepts and usage of explicit modeling, parametric modeling and feature-based modeling by using all of these tools integrated within the CATIA Hybrid Modeler.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    2 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 1 lecture , 3 laboratory
  • ETG 180 - Engineering Graphics

    (Formerly EG 180). This class focuses on selected graphical solutions in orthographic projection, pictorial presentation, visualization of projections, points, lines and planes in 3-D space. Studies surrounding primary and secondary projections, true lengths of lines, true size and shapes of planes, dihedral angles, visibility bearings, intersections and developments of surfaces using CAD System will be the focus of study. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture , 3 laboratory
  • ETG 210 - Introduction to Mold Design

    (Formerly EG 265). This course is designed to give students an understanding of the design, construction and terminology involved in designing and building plastic injection molds. Specific emphasis will be placed on standard design procedures used in designing injection molds today. This class will use computer aided drafting software.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 140  
    3 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETG 220 - Jig/Fixture Design

    (Formerly EG 266). The principles of tooling design for productive machining operations are the main focus of this course. Comparative analysis of standards and commercial work-holding devices for such operations as drilling, milling, turning and grinding (cams, links, motion and gear) are also designed along kinematic outlines. From shop sketches, actual layouts are formulated and assembled. From the design drawing, working drawings are then produced following all present day drafting specifications, with emphasis on standard component parts and supply catalog. Offered winter semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 140  
    3 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETG 230 - Tool/Die Design

    (Formerly EG 267). Principle concepts of material flow and properties, along with fundamental die design pertaining to forming, cutting, drawing and piercing operations performed on standard industrial presses are reviewed. From actual part prints, actual die designs are formulated, working drawings are made, machine mechanisms are reviewed and reproduction is made. All practices are geared to those used in modern drafting rooms today. Offered fall semester only.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 140  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETG 240 - Advanced Solid Modeling

    (Formerly EG 270). This course provides an advanced study in the process of developing solid models using a hybrid solid modeler. Techniques for planning, developing, organizing and maintaining CAD files related to solid modeling will be addressed. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, students will explore the concepts and usage of explicit modeling, parametric modeling and feature-based modeling by using all of these tools integrated within SolidWorks.
    Prerequisite(s): ETG 160 
    2 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 4 lecture , /laboratory
  • ETM 110 - Electrical Power & Control Circuits I

    (Formerly IA 100). This course focuses on the fundamentals of relay circuitry, electric motor control, automation, logic circuits, machine tool applications, blueprint reading, laboratory wiring of D.C. motors and A.C. single phase, and three phase motor control.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETM 120 - Introduction to Robotics/Automation

    (Formerly IA 101). This course is designed to introduce the student to the fascinating field of robotics and automation, and to provide the student with a general overview of the technologies that are incorporated in an automated system. These technologies include hydraulics, pneumatics, electrical/electronics, machine building, PLCs, robots and computers. The student will build and automate typical robots using PLCs. Students will also work with high-level robots, machine vision and computers. In addition to technicians, this course would be beneficial to anyone who is interested in, affected by, or is otherwise in charge of making decisions relating to robotics and automation.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETM 130 - Programmable Logic Controllers

    (Formerly IA 102). This course introduces students to programmable logic controllers (PLCs). It focuses on the underlying principles of how PLCs work and provides students with the knowledge and “hands-on” training to install, program, modify, interface, troubleshoot and maintain PLC systems. Programming is done both on-and off-line. No previous knowledge of PLC systems or programming is required. This course is the same as AET 102.
    Prerequisite(s): ETM 110  or ETE 110  and ETE 115  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETM 140 - Fluid Power & Control Circuits I

    (Formerly IA 143). This course provides an introduction to fluid power. It focuses on the concepts, physical laws, principles of operation and applications of components and circuits found in modern fluid power systems. This course will provide students with the knowledge and “hands-on” training to install, modify, troubleshoot, maintain and repair basic fluid power components, circuits and systems. No previous knowledge of fluid power systems is required.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETM 150 - Mechatronics Co-op

    (Formerly IA 150). This course consists of work experience in industry relating to industrial automation (each 80 hours of work experience related to the objectives equals 1 credit). This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training agreement developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college. Special requirements may be necessary.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor and first year in Mechatronics program (GPA ≥ 2.5 in major area of study) or employer initiated request.
    1 to 6 credits (80 hours of work experience = 1 credit) =
  • ETM 240 - Fluid Power & Control Circuits II

    (Formerly IA 243). This course is a continuation of ETM 140 . Topics studied include pneumatic logic, cartridge valves and electro-fluid power components, circuits and systems utilizing discrete, proportional and servo control. Programmable controllers will be used in addition to pneumatic logic as a means of controlling fluid power components and systems.
    Prerequisite(s): ETM 140  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETM 280 - Advanced Robotics & Programmable Controls

    (Formerly IA 201). This course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of how to integrate components, equipment and work cells into a completely automated system. The areas of study include computer and robot programming, PLCs, data acquisition, accessing the computer’s hardware, computer communication and control, and advanced sensors such as machine vision.
    Prerequisite(s): ETM 120  and ETM 130  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETP 110 - Machine Tools

    (Formerly MFT 111). This introductory course focuses on internationally accepted machining practices and measurement systems (inch/pound and metric). Lab projects include operating the mill, lathe, saw and drill press.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 3 lecture , 3 laboratory
  • ETP 120 - Machine Tool, Advanced

    (Formerly MFT 214). This course is a continuation of MTH 111  with greater emphasis placed on development of skills in machine operations. Solutions of problems that arise in the planning and tooling for production of parts, economy, design, estimating, and processing and planning are developed and analyzed.
    Prerequisite(s): ETP 110  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 2 lecture , 4 laboratory
  • ETP 140 - Machinery’s Handbook

    (Formerly MFT 190). The focus of this course is the use of the Machinery’s Handbook as a reference tool. Topics include mathematical tables and formulas, inch/metric conversions factors, strength of materials, lubricants, fasteners, cutting tools, speeds and feeds, classification of ferrous and nonferrous material, service texture symbols, heat treatment and many other subjects related to manufacturing.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit = 1 lecture
  • ETP 150 - Precision Machining Co-op

    (Formerly MFT 150). This course includes six weeks or more work experience in industry that provides an intensive but varied experience in the program of study for which the student is enrolled. This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training program developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
    1 to 6 credits = 1 to 6 lecture /laboratory
  • ETP 210 - Beginning NC/CNC Programming

    (Formerly MFT 211). This is a beginning course in Numerical Control and Computerized Numerical Control Programming using a 3-axis mill.
    Prerequisite(s): ETP 110  
    3 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 2 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETP 220 - CNC Surfacing Applications

    (Formerly MFT 213). This course focuses on the generation and machining of surfaces and solids. Students will use MasterCam Software to design and machine surfaces and solids.
    Prerequisite(s): ETP 210  or industrial CNC mill work experience
    2 credits , plus 1 contact hour = 1 lecture , 2 laboratory
  • ETW 101 - Basic Oxyacetylene Welding, Cutting and Brazing

    (Formerly WELD 110A). This introductory course provides students with a technical understanding of oxyacetylene welding, flame cutting, brazing fundamentals and safety. It also provides training to develop the manual skills necessary to produce quality welds on mild steel in flat position.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit , plus 1 contact hour = 2 laboratory
  • ETW 110 - Basic Shielded Metal Arc Weld I

    (Formerly WELD 110B). This introductory course provides students with a technical understanding of arc welding fundamentals, welding safety, arc welding machines and electrode classification and selection. It also provides training to develop the manual skill necessary to make quality shielded metal-arc welds in flat position on mild steel.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit , plus 1 contact hour = 2 laboratory
  • ETW 120 - Gas Metal Arc & Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

    (Formerly WELD 110C). This introductory course provides students with a technical understanding of Gas Metal Arc Welding (M.I.G.) and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (T.I.G.) of low carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum in flat, horizontal and vertical positions.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    1 credit , plus 1 contact hour = 2 laboratory
  • ETW 150 - Welding and Cutting

    (Formerly WELD 150). Students in this course will complete twelve weeks or more work experience in industry as a course requirement, in an intensive but varied experience in all phases of the welding program of study. This on-the-job experience will be developed by the employer in conjunction with a coordinator designated by the college. There will be a written training program developed which is agreed upon by the student, employer and the college.
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor
    1 to 6 credits (80 hours of work experience = 1 credit) = 1 to 6 lecture /laboratory
  • ETW 170 - Print Reading and Fabrication Design

    (Formerly WELD 114). This course will give students an understanding of the prints used in the welding and fabrication industry. Welding symbols, various drafting lines, metric system, basic shop math, orthographic and pictorial views will be used. Set-up tools, including tape measures, angle blocks, fitting shims, turn buckles, wedges and various clamping methods will be demonstrated. Students also will design an individual project, draw a detailed print and deliver a presentation to the class.
    Prerequisite(s): None
    3 credits = 3 lecture
    OC CT
  • ETW 210 - Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Advanced

    (Formerly WELD 210). This course is a continuation of ETW 110 . Students will focus on Butt joints using E6010 for the root and E 7018 for fill and cover passes. Horizontal, vertical and overhead positions will be practiced extensively. Upon completion of this course, students will be required to take the A.W.S. Certification Test.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120 
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 211 - SMAW Pipe Welding

    (Formerly WELD 220). This course concentrates on the S.M.A.W. (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) (stick) process. Students will focus on 6-1/2” pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Open root with E6010 and E7018 fill and cover passes will be used. Upon successful completion of the course students will take an A.W.S. Certification Test on 6-1/2” diameter pipe.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 210  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 212 - SMAW Pipe Welding, Advanced

    (Formerly WELD 221). This course focuses on S.M.A.W. (Shielded Metal Arc Welding) on 6-1/2” diameter pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. certification test on 6-1/2” diameter pipe in the 6-G position.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 211 
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 220 - MIG Welding, Advanced

    (Formerly WELD 211). This course focuses on the different aspects of the M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas) welding process. Mild steel, aluminum, solid wire and flux cored wire will all be used. Upon completion of this course, students will be required to take the A.W.S. Certification Test.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    2 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 4 laboratory
  • ETW 221 - MIG Pipe Welding

    (Formerly WELD 212). This course focuses on M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas) welding of 4” diameter and larger pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Students will concentrate their effort on taking an A.W.S. Certification Test on 6-1/2” diameter pipe in the 2-G or 5-G position.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 220  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 222 - MIG Pipe Welding, Advanced

    (Formerly WELD 213). This course focuses on M.I.G. (Metal Inert Gas) welding of 4” diameter and larger pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. Certification Test on 6-1/2” diameter pipe in the 6-G position.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 221  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 230 - TIG Welding, Advanced

    (Formerly WELD 214). This course focuses on advanced techniques of the T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding process. Students will be trained on multiple joints in all positions. Mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum will be used. At the end of this course, students will take an A.W.S. Certification Test using the T.I.G. process.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    2 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 4 laboratory
  • ETW 231 - TIG Pipe Welding

    (Formerly WELD 215). This course focuses on T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding of 3” diameter and larger pipe in the 2-G and 5-G positions. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. Certification Test on 3” diameter pipe in the 2-G or 5-G positions.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 230  
    4 credits , plus 2 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 232 - TIG Pipe Welding, Advanced

    (Formerly WELD 216). This course focuses on T.I.G. (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding of 3” diameter pipe in the 6-G position. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking an A.W.S. Certification Test on 3” diameter pipe in the 6-G position.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 231  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory
  • ETW 240 - Flux Cored Arc Welding

    (Formerly WELD 222). This course focuses on F.C.A.W. (Flux Cored Arc Welding) on 3/8 mild steel plate in all positions. Students will concentrate their efforts on taking AWS (American Welding Society) certification test in the 3G (vertical) and 4G (overhead) positions on 3/8 mild steel plate.
    Prerequisite(s): ETW 101  and ETW 110  and ETW 120  
    3 credits , plus 3 contact hours = 6 laboratory

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