Mar 13, 2025  
2014-15 Catalog 
2014-15 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Veterans Information

The college maintains and staffs an office for veteran services where veterans, dependents and selected reservists are provided information about education benefits available to them. SC4 is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium and is committed to facilitating the enrollment process and success of qualified servicemembers in postsecondary education.

Federal Programs

Chapter 30 - Montgomery GI Bill
Chapter 33 - Post 9/11 Montgomery GI Bill
Chapter 35 - Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Benefits
Chapter 1606 - Selected Reserve, Montgomery GI Bill
Chapter 1607 - Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)

Application Process

Students are encouraged to apply at the earliest possible date. Applications are available through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website, Electronic application (VONAPP) and paper applications are accessible for both veterans (Form 22−1990) and dependents (Form 22−5490). The Department of Veterans Affairs will provide the applicant with a Certificate of Eligibility when approved. Visit the SC4 Veterans Certifying Official, Room 119, Acheson Technology Center, after you have applied or have received your certificate of eligibility or notice of award.

Note: The VA strongly recommends that veterans and other beneficiaries submit their education benefits application online to expedite processing. You may call the VA National Education Help Line at (888) 442-4551 for assistance.

Chapter 31 - Vocational Rehabilitation

This program is available to veterans with a service-connected disability. For more information, contact the Veterans Administration Regional Office (28), Patrick V. McNamara Federal Building, 477 Michigan Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 or call (800) 827-1000. Upon approval, deliver the Authorization and Certification of Status (Form 28−1905) to the SC4 Veterans Certifying Official, Room 123, Acheson Technology Center.

State of Michigan Program

Children of Veterans Tuition Grant Program

Obtain an application from the Children of Veterans Tuition Grant Program (CVTG) at Application questions should be directed to (888) 4-GRANTS or email Upon approval the applicant will receive a Letter of Eligibility from the State of Michigan Department of Treasury. Deliver the Letter of Eligibility to the SC4 Veterans Certifying Official, Room 119, Acheson Technology Center.

Earned Credits

If students have previously drawn educational benefits, a “Request for a Change of Place and/or Program” (Form 22−1995) must be filed. An official transcript from other colleges must be sent to SC4 for evaluation of credit as soon as possible. Benefits can be suspended if credits granted for previous training are not reported to the Veterans Administration.

Pay Rate

Monthly rates vary according to which VA program is providing the assistance and the student’s course load. For more information, contact the SC4 Veterans Certifying Official, Room 119, Acheson Technology Center.


  1. Individuals may register only for courses required to satisfy graduation requirements for specified majors.
  2. VA payment is not ordinarily allowed for repeating a previously passed course.
  3. Any changes in program of study, course load, address, etc., must be reported to the SC4 Veterans office.
  4. If a student receiving VA benefits withdraws from a class, the student may have to repay the money received for the class unless the withdrawal was due to circumstances beyond the student’s control.

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium

SC4 is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium. SOC, established in 1972, consists of national higher education associations and approximately 1,900 institutional members. SOC Consortium institutional members subscribe to principles and criteria to ensure that quality academic programs are available to military students including those on active duty, Coast Guard personnel, reservists, members of the National Guard, family members, civilian employees of the Department of Defense, and veterans of all Services. As an SOC Consortium member, this institution ensures servicemembers and their family members share in appropriately accredited postsecondary educational opportunities available to other citizens. Flexibility of programs and procedures particularly in admissions, counseling, credit transfer, course articulations, recognition of non-traditional learning experiences, scheduling, course format, and residency requirements are provided to enhance access of military students and their family members to higher education programs.