Mar 13, 2025  
2014-15 Catalog 
2014-15 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Registration Information

Schedule of Classes

In an effort to provide students the best detail possible to plan their class schedule in advance, SC4 offers the WAVE, an online class schedule and registration system available through a student’s portal at The WAVE provides students with updated class schedule information including the number of openings available in each class.

SC4 offers classes in a variety of formats including day, evening, weekend, online, accelerated, short-term and other formats. Students are encouraged to register early each registration period in order to take full advantage of these opportunities.

An online schedule planning tool is available to help students quickly put together their best schedule. The tool acts as a customized personal assistant, allowing students to enter times they aren’t available for class and then choose from numerous schedules. To access the tool, visit Log in to the portal, then click on “WAVE for College Credit Students”. Under the “Registration” link, choose “Schedule Planner”.

WAVE - SC4 Online Student System

Students are encouraged to use the SC4 WAVE, which may be accessed online via The WAVE provides a wide variety of services to students in an easy-to-use online format. Examples of the services available on the WAVE include:

  • Searching for classes
  • Registration and payment
  • Access to grades
  • Academic transcripts
  • Progress to degree/certificate completion (degree audit)
  • Financial aid awarding status

Questions related to the WAVE may be directed to the One-stop Student Services office at (810) 989-5500 or Use of the student portal and WAVE must be in accordance with the college’s technology Acceptable Use Policy.


There are two ways to register for classes:

Online: Students may register for classes online via the WAVE at

Walk-in: Students may register in person in the Enrollment Services office (Room 123, Acheson Technology Center).

Registration periods vary. Refer to the registration calendar for specific registration dates/times.

It is the responsibility of the student to follow the established procedure for adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm the accuracy of both registration and billing information at the time of enrollment. Award amounts listed for students receiving financial aid and/or scholarships are “pending” and may be adjusted following registration. Students are responsible for payment of tuition and fees not covered by financial aid and must drop classes within the established refund period. In the event that a student declines a financial aid award, or does not register for the minimum number of required credit hours, the student is responsible to drop the class(es) prior to the final drop/add deadline date.


Students have the option of “waitlisting” for a class(es) if a desired section is full. There is no charge to waitlist.

Students who waitlist must be diligent in checking their SC4 WAVE account (Manage My Waitlist link) to monitor their progress on the waitlist. While active on the waitlist, students will see an “A” status for “Active.” If/when the status for a waitlisted class changes to a “P” for “Permission”, students have 2 days to take action and register for the course. Students receiving permission to register who then miss the two day registration window are removed from the waitlist for the class.

The waitlist option is available until one week prior to the start of a semester. Waitlists are cleared in the week prior to the start of the classes; any openings in classes during this time are available on a first come, first registered basis. Students must make arrangements for tuition payment at the time of registration.

Registration Restrictions

SC4 students will not be allowed to register if they do not have a valid address on file with the college or if they owe outstanding balances to the college for tuition or fees. A registration restriction will be imposed for students who have been dropped for non-payment twice in the same semester. Students who have this registration restriction on their records are required to register in person in the One-stop Student Service Center (Room 123, Acheson Technology Center).

Class Audit

If a student wishes to register for a course and receive no credit, the student must indicate “audit” either on the registration form or when registering online. “Audit” means that a student has registered, paid and is attending a college credit course, but will receive no credit or grade for the course. Students auditing a class are still required to meet all course prerequisites.

Students who choose to “audit” a class must designate this registration status at the time of registration or by the end of the drop/add period. Once a class has been registered as an “audit,” no adjustments may be made to change the course status to college credit after the drop/add period has ended. Conversely, once a class has been registered for college credit, a student may not change the status of the class to “audit” after the drop/add period has ended. Students failing to comply with this requirement will be held responsible for the resulting consequences. Ultimately, it is the student’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of the registration and billing statement at the time of registration.

Off-Campus Centers

Students planning to take courses at one of the SC4 off-campus centers may register online via or in person in the Enrollment Services office (Room 123, Acheson Technology Center). Payment schedule compliance is required to maintain class registration.

Resident and Non-Resident Policy (Determines tuition rate)

Residents of the St. Clair County Community College district pay taxes to support SC4 through a voter-approved millage rate. The current SC4 district is based upon local school districts and does not include persons living in St. Clair County who reside in Anchor Bay, Armada, Richmond or Croswell-Lexington school districts. Therefore, students who live within the SC4 district are charged less per contact hour than those who live outside the SC4 district.

SC4 students are responsible for maintaining an accurate address at the college for the purpose of billing tuition appropriately as well as mailing refunds or other pertinent information. Because residency corresponds to a student’s address and consequently determines tuition rates, a student wishing to be classified as an SC4 in-district resident must meet the following requirements:

  • Must have been a bona fide resident in the SC4 college district for at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester.
  • Must have been a bona fide resident of Michigan for at least six months prior to the start of the semester. (Students working to prove out-state to in-district residency must provide dated documentation proving Michigan residency of at least six months prior to the semester in which they are seeking a change to in-district residency.)

Note: International students (i.e. those students attending SC4 on an F-1 Visa) cannot establish residency.

Residency of all students under 18 years of age follows that of their parents or legal guardians. Students who falsify their residency will be subject to payment of tuition at the correct residency rate. Charges in such cases will be retroactive.

Students who have moved from out-district to in-district must complete the following steps, and submit documentation, prior to the start of classes to be charged at the in-district rate:

  1. Complete a Proof of Residency Form (available in the One-stop Student Services office or on SC4’s portal).
  2. Provide a copy of a valid Michigan driver’s license or Michigan ID card showing the current in-district address dated a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the start of classes.
  3. Provide at least one additional proof showing the current in-district address dated a minimum of 30 days prior to the start of classes. The second proof may be:
    1. A rent receipt or letter from the landlord or the completed bottom portion of the Proof of Residency form (must be notarized at least 30 days prior to start of classes)
    2. A lease agreement
    3. Utility bill(s) (e.g. water, electric, cable) issued in the student’s name

Appeals may be made to the Registrar. The proof of residency documents outlined above must include the student’s name, current address and be dated a minimum of 30 calendar days prior to the start of semester.

Please note that all changes in residency status should be reported immediately to the One-stop Student Services office, Room 123, Acheson Technology Center.

Name and Address Changes

Students are required to report name and address changes directly to the One-stop Student Services office. Students also may submit address changes online via Students wishing to update their name(s) must provide legal documentation (marriage license, court documentation, divorce papers, etc.) before name changes are processed. If the address is being changed from an out-district address to an in-district address, residency change procedures must be followed as outlined in the aforementioned section. Failure to submit the necessary forms pertaining to a given semester may result in the One-stop Student Services office being unable to provide requested services. As a result, students will be held responsible for the consequences of such action.

Course Cancellations

SC4 makes every attempt to run all classes; however, it is unfortunate that some classes must be cancelled because of low enrollment. Students whose class(es) have been cancelled will be notified as soon as possible. Students are encouraged to enroll in other available classes or see an academic advisor for assistance in selecting other class options. If students choose not to enroll in another class, they will be refunded the tuition for the cancelled class. Students are cautioned to check with the Financial Aid office to see if financial aid funding is affected if the cancelled class is not replaced in a student’s class schedule.

Faculty Absence Telephone Line

The college has established a telephone line, (810) 989-5770, that students can call to find out about class cancellations and faculty absences. The information on this line is updated throughout the day, Monday through Friday and on Saturday by 7 a.m. SC4 also will use this line to inform students of college closings due to inclement weather. Faculty absences and college closure information also is available to students via the SC4 Portal at

Dropping/Adding and Late Registration

Students may adjust their schedule with 100% tuition refund by dropping/adding courses either online or in person during the established deadlines for each course, as listed below. Students are responsible to complete the appropriate drop/add procedure by the designated deadline dates. No refunds will be processed for drops processed after the established deadline.

NOTE: The student fee is not refundable.

Students who register, then drop all courses for a term during the appropriate drop/add period, are responsible for paying the non-refundable student fee before registrations for future terms or requests for transcripts or diplomas can be processed.

Course Length Drop/Add with a Refund
16 weeks 5 calendar days from the semester start date
3 to 15 weeks 5 calendar days from the start date of the class
1 day to 2 weeks first day of class

English and Math Mobility Clause

SC4 offeres an English and math mobility clause for students. During the first three weeks of the semester, upon agreement of both instructor and student, the student may move to a higher or lower level of English or math.

Class Withdrawal (Period following Drop/Add and Late Registration)

Once the drop/add period (i.e. 100% refund) has expired, students may withdraw from classes by completing the appropriate process either online or in person. Students requesting withdrawal by the appropriate deadline will receive a final grade of “W.” The established deadline dates are listed below.

  1. Fall/Winter semester (16-week classes): Students may withdraw through the 12th Saturday of the semester.
  2. Summer semester, short-term and weekend classes: Students may withdraw until one week prior to the final class meeting.

Students who withdraw from a class may no longer attend the class and no tuition refund will be processed. Failure to formally withdraw from a class(es) may result in a grade of “E.” Ill or injured students unable to withdraw online or in person should have a family member or friend initiate the process by contacting the One-stop Student Services office.

All students requesting a complete withdrawal of classes prior to the 60% date of the semester are encouraged to visit the Financial Aid office to determine the impact that the Federal Return of Title IV Funds rule may have on their current and future financial aid.

Class Attendance

Class attendance policies are established by each individual instructor and are presented to each student on the course syllabus within the first week of class. Punctuality and regular attendance are necessary if the student is to receive maximum benefit from courses enrolled. The responsibility for lecture and scheduled laboratory attendance rests solely with the student.

When work has been affected by unexcused absences or tardiness, penalties may be imposed at the discretion of the individual instructor. As a matter of courtesy, students should explain the reason for absence to their instructors. When possible, this should be done in advance.

If a student stops attending class and does not officially withdraw from the class, or does not make arrangements with the instructor for an “I” incomplete grade (restrictions apply), the instructor has no choice but to issue a final grade of “E” for the class. Students are cautioned to remember that failing grades may affect current and future financial aid.

Transcript Requests

Because academic information is protected under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, students must make all transcript requests either in writing or online via the WAVE, SC4’s secure online student information system. The One-stop Student Services office processes requests to send official transcripts to other colleges/universities, places of employment, students’ home addresses, etc. The office also processes requests to send/distribute unofficial transcripts to students on an as-needed basis. There is no charge to process transcript requests at SC4.

Transcript requests may be submitted online via or forms may be completed by students in the One-stop Student Services office (Room 123, Acheson Technology Center). In addition, forms may be printed from the SC4 website at and faxed to (810) 989-5541. The transcript request form includes full name, birth date, social security number or student number, approximate dates of attendance, other last name(s) if different from the name that the student record may be filed under, number of official or unofficial copies to be sent, name and address(es) of where the transcript(s) is to be sent and the student’s signature.

Note: Normally, transcripts sent directly to students are unofficial copies unless the student has specifically indicated in writing on the transcript request form that he/she wishes to receive an official transcript.

Students who owe tuition dollars to SC4 or who have other unmet obligations will be prevented from receiving transcripts (official/unofficial) and degrees/certificates until all financial issues are resolved with the SC4 Business Office.

Student Email Accounts

Students are assigned an SC4 email account at the time of application for a college credit program. Students are bound in their use of this email service by the Acceptable Use Policy found in the College Catalog. Appropriate uses of this service include communicating with:

  • Faculty regarding coursework, as approved by the instructor.
  • College staff regarding the enrollment process, financial account status or any other administrative process.
  • Classmates regarding course and campus activities.

All students must activate their email accounts. SC4 uses email to communicate with all students taking classes for credit, regarding important information about billing, classes, deadlines, events, refunds, financial aid and registration. Accounts will be inactivated after students have not enrolled in credit classes for a period of 2 years.

Student Help Desk

SC4’s Office of Information Technology provides a 24/7 help desk for students who need assistance with SC4’s Portal. Assistance can be requested by calling (800) 630-8918 or (810) 989-5858.

Skippers OneCard

A student’s Skipper OneCard is an official college photo ID, serves as college library card, is the entry key to the college Fitness Center and can be how a student accesses financial aid refunds. A OneCard is necessary to receive services in numerous departments on campus. To get an ID, a student must first get their photo taken in Room 123, Acheson Technology Center. Students must show a valid driver’s license, state ID card or passport. Merchant discounts and promotions are available by showing the Skipper OneCard at local businesses. View a complete list of participating businesses on SC4’s portal. For more information, call (810) 989-5816 or email