Mar 13, 2025  
2014-15 Catalog 
2014-15 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Advising and Career and Employment Services

Advising and Career and Employment Services provide students with a variety of informational and support services essential to college, career and employment success. The services are staffed by advising, career and employment specialists and provide comprehensive support services including: academic advising, career exploration, transfer planning, preparation for employment and access to employment opportunities.


Appointments for both areas can be scheduled in person and by telephone. Advising appointments also can be scheduled online. Walk-in appointments in advising are typically from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays but are subject to change. Walk-in appointments also are available in employment services, depending on staff availability. Students are advised to call for current information on walk-in and evening schedules.

Academic Advising

All degree/certificate seeking students who do not have a college degree elsewhere are required to meet with an advisor for academic advising prior to registering for their first semester. Thereafter, academic advising and educational planning are encouraged to discuss program requirements, plan schedules and prepare for graduation and/or transfer.

Educational Planning

Advisors assist students with the development of a plan to reach their career goals. Through educational planning, advisors help students select academic programs and the courses needed for SC4 certificate and degree completion. They also help students locate and understand transfer information. Access to print and web-based information enables students to make decisions to meet their unique career goals.

Career Services

Career and Employment Services and Advising staff members assist students in making career decisions and plans that will relate their interests, abilities, values and personalities to career goals. Career assessments and print and computer-based resources are used to assess interests, identify options, explore career areas and educational choices, and access occupational information. Career planning resources include computerized career planning systems, inventories and other self-exploration programs. Interest Inventories are useful in assessing and describing a person’s likes and dislikes. This information leads to greater self-awareness for career and life decision making. Personality Assessments are designed to measure a wide variety of traits and characteristics that may be related to a person’s behavior and feelings. This information leads to greater self-awareness concerning the career area one may find satisfying. Career Planning Programs are comprehensive computer-based resources which allow users to develop personalized educational and career plans. They provide valuable information on careers, job markets and training. In addition, a Career Development (SD 110 ) one credit class is offered by the college to provide in-depth career exploration for the undecided student.

Employment Services

The Career and Employment Services office offers lifetime employment services including pre-employment preparation and access to job opportunities. These services are available for current and former students. Students may access the latest local and national employment opportunities through the Web-based e-Recruiting employment system, accessible from the college’s website or the printed Job Book in Room 100, Acheson Technology Center. Other services include assistance with developing resumes, acquiring interview techniques, job search strategies and locating job shadowing opportunities. The Career and Employment Services office also organizes career fairs, conducts job seeking workshops, schedules on-campus job interviews and offers an online mock interview practice system through SC4 Perfect Interview.

Personal Concerns

The Advising office provides students with crisis services and assistance locating appropriate services when they have concerns that adversely affect the pursuit of their educational and career goals.

Student Development Credit Classes

SC4 offers college credit classes for student development. The classes are Career Development (SD 110 ), Assertive Behavior (SD 120 ), College Success (SD 140 ) and Stress Management (SD 150 ). A course summary for each course can be found in the course descriptions  section of the catalog under Student Development.

TRiO - Student Support Services

211 Main Building (MB) (810) 989-5801

TRiO - Student Support Services is a federally funded retention program. The mission of TRiO is to retain and graduate students and to assist in completion of their educational goals, including supporting students to maintain satisfactory academic achievement, complete degrees and transfer to a university. The program serves highly motivated students who are first-generation (neither parent graduated from a four-year college), financially under-represented (Those who qualify for the Pell Grant may be eligible) and/or have a documented disability.
Eligible students receive:

  • Individualized tutoring
  • One-on-one mentoring
  • Cultural enrichment activities
  • Personalized academic advising
  • Priority registration for SC4 classes
  • Help applying for financial aid and scholarships
  • Transfer planning, including visits to selected colleges/universities
  • Specialized workshops

For more information, contact the TRiO office in Room 211, Main Building or the TRiO computer lab, Room 302 Main Building.