Feb 13, 2025  
2016-17 Catalog 
2016-17 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid and Tuition Information

A college education is one of the most important investments you can make. SC4 believes that anyone who desires a college education and is capable of doing college work should have the opportunity to attend. The college understands that students often need help to finance their education. Through a combination of federal, state and private community funding sources, SC4 will work to help eligible students meet college expenses. Many programs base their awards on financial need, but some programs have other requirements such as academic achievement.

Students with questions concerning the financial aid process are encouraged to either call (810) 989-5530 or stop by the Financial Aid office. Staff members are available to meet with students to discuss financial aid options and provide assistance with completing the process. For additional information on financial aid, consult The Student Guide, published by the U.S. Department of Education, and The 5 Ws of Financial Aid, published by the Michigan Department of Treasury. Reliable Internet sources for financial aid information are The Financial Aid Page at www.finaid.org, U.S. Department of Education at http://studentaid.ed.gov or Michigan Student Financial Aid at www.michigan.gov/studentaid. All programs, criteria and funding are subject to change without notice.

Financial Aid Application Process

All students seeking financial aid at SC4 must first complete an Application for Admission to the college. To be considered for financial aid, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) must be completed each academic year. Students are encouraged to complete the application online at www.fafsa.gov. Students MUST include SC4’s Title IV code, 002310, on their FAFSA to ensure the college receives their financial aid application.

The application process takes approximately four weeks to complete; therefore, students are encouraged to apply for financial aid as early as possible. Although Federal Pell Grants and student loans are awarded on a continual basis throughout the year, other state and federal grants, as well as student employment (work-study), are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Limited funds exist in some programs, and they may be depleted early.

An additional SC4 Financial Aid Request form is required for the summer semester. The application is available in the Financial Aid office or online at www.sc4.edu/forms in mid-February of each year.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

While each aid program has special requirements, the following are basic requirements that apply to Federal, State, and some Institutional and Private aid programs. In order to be eligible to receive financial aid, you must:

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for grants, loans, work-study, and some scholarships. Students are strongly encouraged to complete the FAFSA by March 1 for priority consideration;
  • Have earned a High School Diploma  (not High School Certificate), G.E.D., or have completed Home School graduation requirements;
  • Have financial need (except for some loan programs and many scholarship programs) as usually demonstrated from filing a FAFSA;
  • Be taking courses that lead to a degree or certificate
  • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-U.S. citizen
  • Have a valid Social Security Number;
  • Be registered with Selective Service, if required;
  • Be making satisfactory academic progress;
  • Use federal student aid only for educational purposes;
  • Not owe a refund on a federal grant or be in default on any federal educational loan; and
  • Not be receiving financial aid from another institution concurrently.

Determination of Eligibility

Most awards are made to students who have demonstrated financial need. The Federal Methodology Formula measures a family’s ability to pay college expenses by assessing its financial strength. Family/student income and assets, family size, retirement needs of parents and number of children in college are just some of the factors considered with the federal formula. As a result of the FAFSA application (which supplies the data used in the Federal Methodology formula), each student will receive an Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The EFC is the amount calculated that the student/family could reasonably contribute toward educational expenses and is used in determining financial need.

Calculating Need

Financial Aid is determined by subtracting the expected family contribution (as determined by the FAFSA) from the appropriate cost of attendance (budget).

Cost of Attendance - Expected Family Contribution (EFC) = Financial Need

Cost of Attendance

A student demonstrates need when the Cost of Attendance MINUS the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is greater than zero. The Cost of Attendance is an average of what it will cost to attend a particular institution for an academic year. It includes tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, travel costs and miscellaneous personal expenses. These costs are used only to calculate financial aid eligibility. Actual costs will vary from student to student. The Cost of Attendance for the average in-district, full-time student at SC4 is approximately $12,312 for the 2016-17 academic year. For detailed information on Cost of Attendance at SC4, contact the Financial Aid office.

Expected Family Contribution

The Expected Family Contribution is based on the student’s dependency status. If a student is a dependent student (as determined by the FAFSA), the federal government assumes that parents have the primary obligation to provide for the student’s cost of education to the extent that they are able, based on a standardized method of determining parental contribution. The second obligation falls upon the student to contribute to his or her own education from personal assets and earnings which may include the use of student loan funding.

If a student is a self-supporting or an independent student (as determined by the FAFSA), the federal government assumes since a student is the prime beneficiary of education, the student has a primary obligation to provide for the cost of education to the extent the student is able, based on a standardized method of determining student contribution. The student’s expected contribution will come from personal earnings, spouse’s earnings, if applicable, savings and assets which may include the use of student loan funding.

Awarding Process

Students are selected to receive financial aid based on program eligibility requirements, deadlines and maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Funds are limited in some programs and awarded to early applicants who meet all requirements. Award amounts are based on demonstrated financial need, cost of attendance, enrollment status, program limitations and the availability of funds. SC4 awards financial aid in the following order: grants and scholarships, work-study programs and loan programs. The type of financial aid offered depends on the amount of need, program regulations, other funding sources, dependency status and availability of funds. Awards may be adjusted based upon the enrollment status of the student according to the following:

  • Full-time = 12 or more credit hours
  • Three-quarter-time = 9 − 11 credit hours
  • Half-time = 6 − 8 credit hours
  • Less than half-time = less than 6 credit hours

According to federal regulations, certain types of credits cannot be used when calculating a student’s enrollment level.

  • Audited courses are taken for no grade. Therefore, courses being audited cannot be considered part of a student’s level of enrollment for financial aid purposes.
  • Non-credit courses are not given credit hours earned or a grade. Therefore, non-credit courses cannot be considered part of a student enrollment level for financial aid purposes.
  • Remedial/Developmental Courses are defined as courses that are below the secondary (high school) education level. Once students attempt more than 30 remedial/developmental credits, the Financial Aid office must begin limiting federal financial aid eligibility. Even if financial aid funds were not used for the prior coursework, the Financial Aid office must limit federal financial aid eligibility.

For example, if a student attempted 30 remedial/developmental credits and the following semester registers for a total of 12 credit hours with 4 out of the 12 being considered remedial/developmental, the financial aid package will be based on 8 credit hours.

  • Repeated courses are defined as courses that the student enrolls for and attempts more than once. Federal regulations limit the number of times a student may repeat a course while receiving financial aid for that course. This limit applies even if the student did not receive financial aid for earlier enrollments in the course. If a student retakes a course that is not eligible for financial aid, it will not be counted as credit when determining federal financial aid eligibility (such as the Federal Pell Grant and Federal Student Loans). Financial aid is recalculated by excluding the credits for the repeated course. Note: Students must also adhere to the College’s Repeated Courses Policy.
  • A student may receive financial aid to repeat a previously passed course one additional time.
  • A student may receive financial aid when repeating a previously failed course (0.00 or E), regardless of the number of times the course was attempted and failed.

Returning SC4 Financial Aid Students

Students must reapply for financial aid each academic year. Program criteria, funding and maintaining satisfactory academic progress is used in determining eligibility for aid. In addition, students cannot owe an over-payment on any federal grant program, be in default on any student loan or have borrowed in excess of the student loan limits at any institution.

Attendance at Multiple Institutions/Consortium Agreements

In some cases, students choose to attend two colleges simultaneously. In most cases, a student cannot receive Federal financial aid at both institutions simultaneously. Consequently, financial aid would be processed by only one of the colleges where the student is enrolled.

In a case where a pre-articulated Consortium Agreements exists between two institutions, the student’s combined enrollment will be used to determine aid eligibility. To learn more about Consortium Agreements, please contact the Financial Aid office. Students will be responsible for any over-awards and will not be eligible for further aid until the funds are recovered.

Study Abroad

Students may be eligible for federal assistance while attending a study abroad program that is approved for credit by SC4. The study abroad program must advance the student toward their declared program of study and not merely be providing an enrichment experience. There may also be other eligibility restrictions, depending on the financial aid program.

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Students with authorized aid (grants, scholarships or loans) will have their charges held on their student account until aid is disbursed.  Authorized aid can be viewed in the student’s portal account at https://portal.sc4.edu.  

Book Voucher

Students who have authorized aid greater than tuition, fees and other institutional charges will be advanced a Financial Aid Book Voucher from SC4. The Book Voucher allows the student the option to purchase their required books and supplies at the SC4 College Bookstore. Students who have a balance at checkout more than their Book Voucher amount will need to pay the difference at the SC4 College Bookstore. For information as to when Book Vouchers can be utilized please refer to the student portal.

Please Note: The Book Voucher is an advance from SC4. The actual amount used from the Book Voucher will be charged to your student account.

Grant and Scholarship Disbursements

Grant and scholarship funds will disburse to the student account 30 days after the start of the semester. Specific dates of when financial aid will be disbursed can be found on the student portal.

Please Note: Federal Pell Grant funds will not be credited to a student’s tuition account until the class actually starts.

Loan Disbursements

Loan funds will disburse to the student account 30 days after the start of the semester. Loan funds will disburse in multiple installments during the loan period. Students will receive two loan disbursements each semester. Students will need to log into the SC4 Portal to view the specific dates of when their loans will disburse.


If the aid disbursed is greater than the account balance, the student will receive a financial aid refund via Higher One or a paper check. Credit balances from grant and/or loan awards will be refunded to the student as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from the date the credit balance occurs on the student account.

Students are responsible for payment of any remaining balance after all financial aid has been applied.

Financial Aid Programs

The following section provides a brief description of the financial aid programs available at SC4. Enrollment requirements vary by program and can range from less than half-time to full-time enrollment each semester. Awards are based on meeting eligibility criteria, satisfactory academic progress and the availability of funding. Generally, grants and scholarships are tax free if they are used for qualifying tuition and course-related expenses. Questions regarding tax issues should be directed to the IRS or your tax preparer.

Falsification of Information

Falsification of information submitted by the student or parents for the purpose of receiving financial assistance may result in cancellation of assistance, billing back for assistance received, and referral to the appropriate federal authorities. If students purposely give false or misleading information, they may be fined $10,000, sent to prison, or both by the federal government.

The Financial Aid office may be required to verify information provided on the FAFSA by requiring documentation of income or other types of financial assistance. In addition, if the Financial Aid office has conflicting information or has reason to believe that student information may not be valid, further investigation will occur prior to financial aid being awarded and/or refunded.

Grant Programs

Grants are resources that are generally based on demonstrated financial need and do not have to be paid back. The funds can come from the U.S. Department of Education, the State of Michigan, or SC4.

Federal Pell Grant

This is a federal need-based grant program awarded to low and middle income undergraduate students without a bachelor’s degree who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.  The award range is set by the federal government each academic year and currently ranges from $598 to $5,815 Students are limited to receiving the equivalent of 12 full-time semesters of Federal Pell Grant monies.

Pell Grant awards are calculated based on full-time attendance (credit hours, not contact hours). Authorization of Federal Pell Grant awards will be adjusted based on actual enrollment status, and are also subject to the Federal Pell Grant Census Date.

Enrollment Level Credit Hour Requirement Percentage of Pell Award Paid
Full-time 12 or more credits 100%*
3/4 time 9-11 credits 75%*
½ time 6-8 credits 50%*
Less than ½ time 1-5 credits 25%*

*Some restrictions apply. Contact the Financial Aid office for more details.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

This is a federal need-based grant program for students without a bachelor’s degree, enrolled in an undergraduate program who demonstrate exceptional financial need, meet the basic eligibility requirements and qualify for a Federal Pell Grant. FSEOG funding is limited; therefore, priority is given to students who have the lowest EFC and is awarded based on file completion date. The award is determined by the college and is based on funds available each year. Enrollment requirements range from less than half-time to full-time depending on individual eligibility.

Tuition Incentive Program (TIP)

This is a high school completion program, provided by the State of Michigan, that offers to pay for the first two years of college and beyond for identified students who graduate from high school or complete their GED before age 20. To meet the financial eligibility requirement, a student must have (or have had) Medicaid coverage for 24 months within a 36-consecutive month period as identified by the Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS). TIP provides assistance in two phases. Phase I covers tuition and mandatory fee charges (does not pay for contact hours) for eligible students enrolled in a credit-based associate degree or minimum one year certificate program.  Phase II provides a maximum of $2,000 total tuition assistance for credits earned in a four-year program at an in-state, degree-granting college or university. Award parameters are subject to legislative changes.

Students are identified by DHS as having met the Medicaid eligibility requirement. After being identified, Student Scholarship and Grants (SSG) will send the student an acceptance form. The student must then complete the acceptance form and return it to SSG before graduation from high school or GED completion and must graduate before their 20th birthday to activate financial eligibility for the program. SSG will send the student an “eligibility letter” in their senior year of high school. The student should present this letter to their college financial aid office upon enrollment to receive payment. The student is responsible for notifying SSG of a change of address or college choice.

NOTE: Identified students are encouraged to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) even though it is not necessary for establishing TIP eligibility.

A student can only receive TIP benefits at one institution per semester. Eligibility requirements include the following:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted alien with permanent status,
  • Must be a resident of Michigan (according to College policy),
  • Must have a high school diploma or GED,
  • Must enroll in an academic degree, academic certificate or transfer program,
  • Must obtain a high school diploma, certificate of completion or GED prior to age 20,
  • Must be determined financially eligible by Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS) prior to high school graduation,
  • Must enroll at least half-time (6 credit hours or more),
  • Must initiate TIP funds within four years (48 months) of high school graduation or GED completion,
  • Must not be in default on a Federal Title IV loan,
  • Must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress

To apply for TIP at SC4, students must submit the following documents to the Financial Aid Office:

  • TIP Eligibility letter from the State of Michigan Student Scholarship and Grants Office,
  • Copy of high school diploma or GED,
  • Copy of driver’s license or birth certificate.

Education and Training Voucher (ETV)

A State of Michigan award up to $5,000 towards school-related costs and living fees. The award is for youth that were in foster care after the age of 14. Students should contact Lutheran Social Services of Michigan for eligibility requirements at 887-660-METV or go to the website at http://mietv.lssm.org

Students must receive their first ETV prior to their 21st birthday. Students are then eligible for additional vouchers until their 23rd birthday, provided they receive at least a 2.0 GPA and do not drop more than one class per semester.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Were in foster care on or after 14th birthday because of abuse/neglect,
  2. Were adopted from foster care on or after 16th birthday,
  3. Must have a high school diploma or GED certificate,
  4. Must attend at least half-time

Police Officer’s and FireFighter’s Survivor Tuition Grant

To be eligible the person applying must be the spouse or child (natural or adopted), of a deceased Michigan police officer or firefighter, who was killed in the line of duty. A child must be less than 21 at the time of police officer’s or firefighter’s death. The student is responsible for notifying the State of Michigan Student Scholarships and Grants (SSG) Office of a change of address or college choice.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Apply, qualify and enroll at least half time in a program leading to a certificate or degree at an approved Michigan community college or public university,
  • Be a Michigan resident for 12 consecutive months preceding application. Dependents shall use the parent’s residency status.
  • Provide satisfactory evidence that the applicant is an eligible child or surviving spouse of a police officer or firefighter killed in the line of duty.
  • Must apply for the first time before the age of 26.
  • Be certified by the financial aid officer of the eligible institution that the waiver is needed to meet tuition expenses. The child’s or surviving spouse’s family income, excluding any income from death benefits attributable to the officer’s or firefighter’s death must demonstrate financial need as determined by SSG.
  • For renewal, meet institution’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.
  • Has not yet received a Bachelor’s degree

See the State of Michigan website for application and additional information.


Scholarship awards are resources that generally do not have to be paid back and are usually awarded for academic achievement or talent that may or may not be based on financial need. Students are encouraged to view and apply for SC4 scholarships by going to www.sc4.edu/money. Selection criteria and requirements vary according to the individual award or scholarship.

Students can apply for scholarships for the upcoming year between Jan. 1 and mid-March. Applicants must have an application for admission on file in order to submit the scholarship application.

For further information regarding scholarships, contact the Financial Aid office at (810) 989-5530. Students also are encouraged to seek additional scholarship information from high school counseling offices; fraternal, civic, state and national organizations; and employers who issue information through their own publications.

Michigan Competitive Scholarship Program

This state scholarship program provides up to $676 per academic year to students who achieve required scores on the ACT exam, who demonstrate financial need according to the FAFSA, are citizens or permanent residents and have been continuous residents of Michigan for 12 months. Students must:

  • Enroll at least half-time (6 or more credit hours),
  • Not have completed a Bachelor degree,
  • Not be in default on a Federal Title IV loan,
  • Not be incarcerated,
  • Not be pursuing a degree in theology or religious education  

Awards can be renewed annually for a maximum of 10 semesters within 10 year of high school graduation, as long as the applicant meets the following:

  • Demonstrates financial need, according to the annual FAFSA,
  • Maintains Michigan residency and undergraduate student status,
  • Meets Satisfactory Academic Progress as defined by SC4
  • Meets all other program eligibility requirements.

The State of Michigan determines the award.

Fostering Futures Scholarship

The Fostering Futures Scholarship is available on a first-come, first served basis to students who have been placed on the Department of Human Services in the Michigan foster care system on or after their 13th birthday. There is no maximum age restriction for the student. The student must be enrolled as an undergraduate student at a Michigan public or private degree granting 4-year college/university or a community college.

Instructions: Complete the application and submit it to Student Scholarships and Grants at the address or fax number shown at the bottom of the application page.

Additional information can be found at the State of Michigan website.

Student Employment

Federal Work Study (FWS)

Federal Work-Study is a need-based federal program that provides students with employment opportunities, both on- and off-campus, to assist with educational expenses. Students must meet the basic eligibility requirements to receive these funds. To determine the amount of Federal Work-Study awarded, students can access their student portal account.

Once awarded, the student must apply for posted positions on the SC4 Career and Employment Services webpage to secure a job. Receiving a Work-Study award does not guarantee employment at SC4 or at authorized off-campus employers. Student employees are hired based on skills and abilities.

After being hired, students work to earn the Work-Study funds. The earnings are paid to the student bi-weekly. Students can earn up to the amount awarded. Employment normally is limited to 20 hours a week for students who enroll for a minimum of six credit hours a semester, maintain satisfactory academic progress and demonstrate financial need. Students eligible for work-study employment should contact Career and Employment Services by calling (810) 989-5515 for assistance in locating positions.

College Payroll Student

The college employs a limited number of students with specialized skills who are not eligible for the Federal Work Study program. Contact the Financial Aid office for more information.

Additional Resources

Tax Credits

Tax credit opportunities are available for qualifying college students. Questions regarding tax issues should be directed to the IRS or your tax preparer. Visit www.IRS.gov for additional information.

Michigan Indian Tuition Waiver (MITW)

Native North Americans who are members of a U.S. federally recognized tribe, certified by the State of Michigan and who are legal residents of the state of Michigan for a minimum of 12 months, may be eligible for a tuition waiver. Students must be 25% or more Native American blood quantum as certified by your Tribal Enrollment Department.

MITW applications are processed by the Department of Civil Rights. Students can call 231-439-5247 for additional information.

Student Loan Programs

Loans are funds borrowed to assist with educational expenses. All loans must be repaid after completion of school. In order to ensure successful repayment, students must always borrow responsibly. The key to responsible borrowing is to learn the basics and manage your loan debt. Watch the video Responsible Borrowing to learn about your responsibilities as a borrower and what you should consider when taking out student loans. Watch Repayment: How to Manage Your Student Loans to learn about changing repayment plans, postponing or reducing your payments, or combining your federal student loans. Also visit StudentLoans.gov and then click on Managing Repayment at the top of the page for more information.

To qualify for a loan, a student must complete the FAFSA as well as a loan request form available in the Financial Aid office or online at www.sc4.edu/loans. All students must participate in entrance and exit counseling as a condition of loan acceptance. Money from federal loans are disbursed in several payments. The amount of a loan is determined by the student’s financial need, the student’s enrollment status, other aid received and program limits. The school determines eligibility for a Federal Direct/Federal Direct PLUS Loan. If reasons are documented and explained to students in writing, financial aid administrators may decline to certify an otherwise eligible loan application. In addition, a loan may be certified for an amount less than that for which the student would otherwise be eligible. Interest rates, repayment terms and borrowing limits vary with each loan program.

Students are encouraged to minimize the amount loans needed by utilizing grants and scholarships whenever possible. The SC4 Financial Aid Office will include the Federal Pell Grant as part of the financial aid award if the student is otherwise eligible. In addition, there may be state grants or scholarships for which the student is eligible. While most state grants are listed in our catalog, a complete list of state scholarships and grants for Michigan residents can be found at  Michigan Student Scholarships and Grants. If you are not a resident of the state of Michigan, you may locate information about what grants or scholarships are offered from your state on the State Higher Education Agencies list.

As a condition of participating in the Federal Direct Loan program, SC4 is required to provide borrower (student and/or parent(s)) demographic and federal loan specific information to the National Student Load Database System (NSLDS). NSLDS information is accessible to guaranty agencies, loan servicers, lenders and schools who are authorized professional users of the system. This information is also available to students through the NSLDS Student Website.

Federal Direct Loans

This low-interest loan program is available to students who attend college at least half-time. The Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan programs carry both annual and cumulative (lifetime) limits. To receive a Subsidized Direct Loan, the student must demonstrate financial need. This loan is exempt from interest accrual until six months after the student ceases attending on at least a half-time basis. The Unsubsidized Direct Loan has the same terms as a Subsidized Direct Loan, except borrowers are responsible for interest that accrues while they are in school, and the loan is not based on need. The interest rate for subsidized and unsubsidized loans for undergraduate students first disbursed between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017 is 3.76%.

Students are the borrower of Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans. The lender is the U.S. Department of Education (DOE). Visit www.sc4.edu/loans to apply for Federal Direct Loans at SC4. Students can also visit https://studentloans.gov/myDirectLoan/index.action for additional loan information including definitions, interest rates, loan repayments and sample repayment schedules.

Important Information:

  • Students must be actively enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) during the semester the student receives Federal Direct Loan.
  • Students must meet all Basic Eligibility Requirements, including meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Loan funds will disburse to the student account 30 days after the start of the semester. Loan funds will disburse in multiple installments during the loan period. Students will receive two loan disbursements each semester. Students will need to log into the SC4 Portal to view the specific dates of when their loans will disburse.
  • Students must complete Exit Counseling upon graduating or dropping below half-time attendance.
  • The DOE has many servicers who students will interact with during the course of receiving and repaying loans. For students to determine which servicer(s) their loans have been assigned, access the National Student Loan Database (NSLDS)

Federal Direct PLUS Loans

The parent of a dependent student is the borrower of a Federal Direct PLUS Loan. Federal PLUS Loans are for parents who want to borrow money to help pay for their dependent children’s educations. Parents who have no adverse credit history are eligible for PLUS Loans. The lender for the PLUS Loan is the U.S. Department of Education (DOE).  The interest rate is fixed at 5.31% for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2016 and before July 1, 2017. Visit www.sc4.edu/loans to apply for Federal Direct PLUS Loans at SC4. Visit PLUS Loan for additional information including the credit-check process and loan limits.  Students are required to complete the FAFSA before Plus Loan eligibility can be determined.

Important Information:

  • The DOE makes the decision regarding a parent’s creditworthiness for the PLUS Loan.
  • Students whose parent has been denied a Federal Direct PLUS Loan based on credit may qualify for additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans.
  • Parents denied on credit may choose to get an Endorser (co-signor) or appeal the credit decision.
  • Students must be actively enrolled at least half-time (6 credit hours) during the semester the student receives a Federal Direct PLUS Loan.
  • Students must meet all Basic Eligibility Requirements, including meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Loan funds will disburse to the student account 30 days after the start of the semester. Loan funds will disburse in multiple installments during the loan period. Students will receive two loan disbursements each semester. Students will need to log into the SC4 Portal to view the specific dates of when their loans will disburse.
  • Students must complete Exit Counseling upon graduating or dropping below half-time attendance.
  • The DOE has many servicers who students and parent borrowers will interact with during the course of receiving and repaying loans. For borrowers to determine which servicer(s) their loans have been assigned, access the National Student Loan Database (NSLDS)

Private (Alternative) Loans

SC4 does not provide information to students regarding borrowing funds from private lenders or have preferred lender arrangements with any private financial institutions. We will certify private loan applications that are submitted to SC4 by students via their lender. Please note: The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires that before a private educational lender may finalize a private education loan for a student in attendance at an institution of higher education, the private lender must obtain the signed, completed self-certification form. Most lenders will provide this form directly to students.

Private Donor Loans

The following are loan funds that have been established to assist eligible students attending SC4. For complete details, eligibility requirements and application materials, contact the Financial Aid office.

  • Foley Gilbert Nursing Loan
  • Jeff Jones and Stephen Endean Memorial
  • Mary Koerber Memorial Loan
  • Phelps Loan
  • Donald Shephard Memorial Loan
  • Joseph and Elizabeth Stowe Loan
  • Townley Medical Education Loan

All of the Private Donor Loans are interest free. Students are still responsible for the repayment of the loan.

Withdrawals, Refunds and Return of Title IV Funds

The SC4 refund policy is printed in the Tuition and Fees Information section of this catalog. There are additional implications to consider before dropping classes or withdrawing from any courses during a semester in which a student receives financial aid. One implication is the effect that withdrawals can have regarding the student maintaining satisfactory academic progress. The complete policy is printed in the section below. Another issue is the Return of Title IV Funds Policy. Title IV programs include Federal Direct Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Pell Grants and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG). Return of Title IV Funds is the process of calculating the student’s earned and unearned portion of Title IV aid when a student completely withdraws from classes (or stops attending classes) before 60 percent of the semester has passed. For example, if a student completes only 30% of the semester before completely withdrawing, the student has earned only 30% of the aid package awarded to them. If the student received more aid than earned, the college and/or the student may then be required to return some of the funds awarded. Owing money to a federal program may prevent the student from receiving further financial aid. Students are responsible for repaying any unearned aid they were not entitled to receive. Further information regarding the Return of Title IV Funds Policy is available in the Financial Aid office.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Financial Aid Recipients

All financial aid recipients are required to meet satisfactory academic progress guidelines established by SC4, pursuant to federal regulations. This policy applies to all students receiving assistance from any financial aid program administered by the college. Federal regulations require that the policy include reviewing enrollment periods in which the student did not receive aid, as well as the semesters he/she did receive aid. This policy is separate from the College’s general probation policy and is monitored each semester the student receives aid.

To receive financial aid, the student must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or certificate at SC4. The following guidelines describe the requirements necessary to maintain financial aid eligibility at SC4:

Eligibility Requirements - Each semester a student must meet all three of the following:

  1. Receive a passing grade in at least 67% of his/her overall credit hours attempted on a cumulative basis, including transfer credits or be a first-time student at SC4, and
  2. Maintain a cumulative SC4 grade point average of at least 2.00, and
  3. Along with transfer credits, not have attempted (whether or not earned) more than 150% of the student’s official SC4 academic program requirements
  1. Pace Requirement (Completion Rate):
    Students must complete with a passing grade a minimum of 67% of the credit hours attempted coupled with any transfer credits accepted by SC4. Attempted credits are defined as credits a student is enrolled in at the end of the drop and add period.

    Consequences of failure to meet this requirement: Students who fail to complete 67% percent of their attempted/transferred in courses in a semester will be placed on warning for one semester. Failure to complete 67% in the next enrolled semester will result in aid denial until the completion rate is brought above 67%. Semesters of non-attendance are not counted in this calculation. Incompletes, withdrawals and courses in which the student receives a failing grade are considered unsatisfactory when determining the 67% completion rate.

  2. GPA Requirements
    Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00. Consequences of failure to meet this requirement: Students with a cumulative GPA below the standard will be placed on warning. If the cumulative GPA is still below a 2.0 at the end of the next semester of enrollment, the student is denied financial aid until he or she regains the required cumulative minimum GPA.
  3. Maximum Time Frame Requirement
    Any student who has attempted 150% of the published length of his/her specific program (as measured in credit hours) is not considered to be making academic progress, and therefore, is ineligible for financial aid funds. Transfer credit hours are counted toward the maximum eligibility. (Example: Liberal Arts = 62 credit hours x 150% = 93 credit hours.)

Evaluation of Eligibility

Eligibility is determined at the time a student applies for financial aid and is reviewed at the end of each semester. To establish initial eligibility for financial aid as a current SC4 student, it is required that the past SC4 academic record be reviewed even if the student paid for the classes out of his/her own resources. Written notification will be sent to students placed on Financial Aid Warning, Financial Aid Probation, Financial Aid Termination and Financial Aid Reinstatement if making SAP status.

Financial Aid Eligibility Status

For Completion Rate and GPA measures, students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards in one semester will receive one additional semester of aid while on Financial Aid Warning status. At the end of the warning period, a student who still has not met the standards is changed to Financial Aid Termination* status. The student’s federal aid is terminated at this point and is not reinstated unless the student subsequently meets the required standards.

For Maximum Time Frame measures, students who attempt 150% of the published length of their specific program will be placed in Financial Aid Termination* status. If the student files an appeal which is approved, the status will be changed to Financial Aid Probation if the student can meet all of the SAP requirements at the end of that semester. If the student cannot mathematically achieve SAP standards in one semester then the student will be placed on a Financial Aid Academic Plan. The student will be monitored at the end of each semester within the appeal period. If the student meets the requirements of the academic plan, the Financial Aid Academic Plan status will continue until the appeal period ends. Students on a Financial Aid Academic Plan will have their aid eligibility reinstated and can continue to receive aid as long as all conditions of the plan are met. If the student does not follow the stated academic plan, the status will revert to Financial Aid Termination*.

*Financial Aid Termination means the same as Financial Aid Denial for Title IV financial aid purposes.


A student who does not meet the eligibility requirements due to extraordinary circumstances may appeal in writing to the SAP Appeals Committee. All appeals must be completed using the form found on the SC4 website at www.sc4.edu/forms and must include appropriate documentation. In order for appeal to be complete:

  • All questions must be completed on the appeal form or it will be returned to the student.
  • As part of the appeal, information regarding why the student failed to make SAP and what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to demonstrate SAP at the next evaluation must be included.
  • Extenuating circumstances considered for appeals include documented personal illness or accident, serious illness or death within an immediate family, or other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the student. Students in extended credit hour programs and/or second-degree programs may submit appeals.

Acceptable documentation includes letters from a physician, attorney, social service agency, parole officer, or a copy of a death certificate, divorce decree and/or academic records. An appeal reviewed by the committee does not guarantee reinstatement of financial aid. The student will be notified of the appeal results in writing. All appeal decisions are final.


Students may regain eligibility by successfully achieving an overall completion rate of 67%, achieving a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher or through a granted SAP appeal. Credits transferred in from institutions other than SC4 will be taken into consideration. Grades from other institutions will not be taken into consideration.

Students may be awarded using one of the following options:

  • Financial Aid Probation - Student must have the ability to earn a 2.0 cumulative GPA and a 67% completion rate.
  • Financial Aid Academic Plan (FAAP) - Student is actively on an academic plan and continues as long as he/she has earned a 2.0 GPA and a 75% completion rate.
  • Financial Aid Academic Plan Maximum (FAAP-Max) -Students must enroll for only the classes listed on the plan. Any classes for which the student registers that are not listed on the plan will result in financial aid being cancelled for all classes. Student must earn a 2.0 GPA and a 75% completion rate for that semester.

Grades/Successful Completion/Repeats

Credit hours attempted include all grades recorded on the transcript of A, B, C, D, E, I, W, R, S, U, Z and transfer credits. Repeated courses are identified on the transcript and are considered as credit hours attempted.

Successful grades are: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+,C, C-, D+, D, D- and S.

Unsuccessful grades are: E, I, W, R, U and Z. Unsuccessful grades are considered attempted and not passed for purposes of determining satisfactory academic progress.
Financial aid is limited to one repeat of a previously passed course in which a grade of “D” or better was earned.

Audits and Credit by Exam

Classes taken for audit (with a grade of “X”) or credits earned by exam are not considered when determining financial aid eligibility.

Ombudsman for Students

The U.S. Department of Education provides an Office of the Ombudsman to help resolve loan disputes and problems. The following options are available for contacting the office: call toll free at (877) 557-2575, visit the website at www.ombudsman.ed.gov or write to U.S. Department of Education at:

FSA Ombudsman
830 First Street, NE
Fourth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20202-5144


Students attending SC4 are responsible for payment of tuition and fees to the college, as well as other costs of attendance including, but not limited to, books, supplies, transportation and other personal expenses. SC4 receives financial support from the taxpayers of the SC4 District through a voter approved millage and the taxpayers of the state of Michigan through state appropriations. Recognizing this support in addition to student tuition and fees, SC4 has established the following tuition structure based on legal residency:

  • In District - Legal residents of the SC4 District. Does not include St. Clair County residents of the Anchor Bay, Armada, Croswell-Lexington or Richmond school districts.
  • Out of District - Legal residents of the State of Michigan living outside the SC4 District.
  • Out of State - Legal resident of United States outside the State of Michigan.
  • Foreign - International students enrolled through visas.

Please refer to the Resident and Non-Resident Policy in this catalog for residency information.

Credit hours are the number of credits the student earns toward graduation. Contact hours are the number of hours the student is in class with the instructor. Additional class time is required for some courses, usually those requiring lab sessions. All students are billed for tuition based on the number of registered contact hours.


  • Student fee - A non-refundable fee assessed at time of registration once per semester
  • Technology fee - Charged per contact hour
  • Laboratory fee - Applies to certain classes only
  • Facility fee - Applies to classes taught at off-campus centers outside St. Clair County
  • Online fee - Charged per online course
  • Program fee - Applies to certain programs of study only
  • Other fees may apply

Payment Due Dates

Payment due dates for tuition and fees vary according to the date of registration. For tuition and fee payment requirements, refer to the current semester schedule. Payment methods accepted are cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard and Discover. A payment plan is available for fall, winter and summer semesters. For information regarding the payment plan, contact the Business Office, by phone at (810) 989-5513 or in person in Room 220, Main Building.

Residents of the college district age 60 and older may qualify for a tuition reduction on most credit courses. This reduction does not apply to any course fees.

Students auditing a class pay the same tuition and fees as students taking classes for credit.

A registration restriction will be imposed for students who have been dropped for non-payment twice in the same semester.

Current tuition and fee rates can be found on the SC4 website at www.sc4.edu/tuition-and-fees. The tuition and fee schedule is subject to change without notice by action of the Board of Trustees.

Refund Policy

Tuition and refundable fees for courses dropped during the established deadlines below will be refunded in full.

Course Length Drop/Add with a Refund
16 weeks 5 calendar days from the semester start date
3 to 15 weeks 5 calendar days from the start date of the class
1 day to 2 weeks  first day of class


The student fee (assessed at the time of registration each semester) is non-refundable.

Refunds for less than $5 will be processed upon request. No refund will be made for courses dropped after the established deadline dates, unless said course(s) are dropped as a result of student illness or injury, or student military service. The student will be required to provide a physician’s (or equivalent) verification of illness or injury or proof of being called up for military service. (The student must already be in the service to qualify.) Refunds granted due to illness, injury or military service will be pro-rated. Ill, injured or military students unable to drop in person should have a family member or friend contact the One-stop Student Services office to initiate the process.

Students who receive Title IV Federal Aid and withdraw from any classes during the first 60% of the semester must have the amount of financial aid they are entitled to recalculated. The student/school may be required to return a portion of the federal funds awarded to the student back to the Federal Government. Further information may be obtained in the Financial Aid office. Students disputing any balance due on tuition/fees must do so within 90 days of the end of the semester in which the dispute has occurred.

St. Clair County Community College/Lambton College Twinning Agreement

In the true spirit of international cooperation, St. Clair County Community College and Lambton College in Sarnia, Ontario, have signed a Twinning Agreement which allows residents of St. Clair County and Lambton County to access opportunities for education not readily available in their own county. St. Clair County residents can complete programs not offered at St. Clair County Community College and offered at Lambton College at the Ontario resident fee. For further information, contact the One-stop Student Services office or call (810) 989-5500.