Feb 13, 2025  
2016-17 Catalog 
2016-17 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College Programs of Study and Requirements for Graduation

College Programs of Study

St. Clair County Community College provides a solid educational foundation to help students pursue career goals in any field.

There are many ways to earn college credit at SC4. Students may choose to obtain transfer credit toward a four-year degree, earn an associate degree in a career-related area, or obtain a certificate that can be applied toward a degree program while preparing for employment.

Whatever students choose to study, they are urged to plan their program with an SC4 advisor. Programs of study fall into two major categories − transfer and career.

Transfer Programs

Transfer programs are designed to prepare students who plan to transfer to four-year colleges and universities after completing their coursework at SC4.

Programs designed for transfer toward bachelor’s degrees are:

  • Associate in Arts: intended for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university and pursue a program in a non-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) field.
  • Associate in Science: intended for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university and pursue a program in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) field.
  • Associate in Business (transfer): intended for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university and pursue a program in a business-related field, such as finance, accounting, marketing or management.
  • Associate in Engineering (transfer): intended for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university and pursue a program in engineering.

Career Programs

These programs prepare students for direct entrance into business or industry without having to continue on to other institutions of higher education. The sequence of classes listed under each program is a suggested sequence only and is subject to change without prior written notice.

They are designed to prepare students for entry into a specific job-related field, for advancement in a current job, or for making a career change. Many career courses and programs will transfer to other colleges and universities. See an SC4 advisor for additional information on articulation and transfer agreements.

  • Associate in Applied Arts and Science − occupational two-year degrees
  • Certificates − occupational one-year programs

Undecided Program

Many students come to college undecided about their future career. These students often begin by pursuing a program of study designed to earn basic credits, allowing them to make progress while they explore their options with career guidance experts at the college. A general education degree may be an option for students who have accumulated credits from multiple colleges and universities; see an SC4 advisor for information.

  • Associate in General Education

Degree Distribution Requirements

Students must satisfy the degree distribution requirements specific to the program of study at SC4. Appropriate course substitutions may be considered. Please see your advisor for further information. Subject areas satisfying the Degree Distribution Requirements are divided in to groups outlined below:

Associate Degree Distribution Requirements

  Group I. Social Science* Group II. Humanities** Group III. Bio. Science Group IV. Phys. Science Group V. Math Group VI. Oral Comm.** Group VII. Computer Literacy Group VIII. Writing Group IX. Gov’t and Pol. Process*
Assoc. in Arts
(Transfer Program)
8 credit hours 8 credit hours
6 - 8 cr. hrs.
Must complete at least one lab course from Group III or IV.
MTH 104  , MTH 120  , or MTH 113  or higher SPC 101 
THA 105  
CIS 115   ENG 101  or ENG 101H  and ENG 102  or ENG 102H   PS 101  
Assoc. in Science (AS) (Transfer Program) 6 - 8 credit hours
from more than one subject area
6 - 8 credit hours
from more than one subject area

18 cr. hrs. required.
Must complete at least one lab from both Group III and IV.
MTH 113 
or higher
SPC 101 
THA 105  
CIS 115   ENG 101  or ENG 101H  and ENG 102  or ENG 102H   PS 101  
Assoc. in Business (AB) (Transfer Program) See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   MTH 102  or
MTH 110  or
MTH 112  or
SPC 101 
THA 105  
CIS 115   ENG 101  or ENG 101H  and ENG 102  or ENG 102H  or OA 225   PS 101  
Assoc. in Engineering (AE) (Transfer Program) See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   MTH 114 
or higher
SPC 101 
THA 105  
CIS 260   ENG 101  or ENG 101H  and ENG 102  or ENG 102H   PS 101  
Assoc. in Gen. Education (AGE) 3 credit hours 3 credit hours 3 - 4 cr. hrs.
Must complete one lab course from Group III or IV.
MTH 102 
or higher
SPC 101 
THA 105  
CIS 115   ENG 101  or ENG 101H  and   or ENG 102H   PS 101  
Assoc. in Applied Arts and Science (AAS) See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   See program guide   ENG 101  or ENG 101H  and ENG 102  or ENG 102H  or OA 225   PS 101  

* PS 101 - Introduction to Political Science  meets 3 credits of Social Science credits as well as the Group IX requirement.
** SPC 101 - Speech Communication  or THA 105 - Oral Interpretation  meets 3 credits of Humanities credits as well as the Group VI requirement. 

Group I. Social Science: Anthropology, economics, geography (except GEO 101 , GEO 105 , GEO 137 , GEO 175   and GEO 210 ), history (except HIS 101  and HIS 102  ), political science, psychology, sociology

Group II. Humanities: Literature (English 200 or above), foreign language, speech, art, communication design, music, theatre, philosophy, HIS 101 , HIS 102  . Students pursuing the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) stamp should consult the Graduation Worksheet  as Humanities courses applicable to the MTA are limited.

Group III. Biological Sciences: Biology

Group IV. Physical Sciences: Astronomy, chemistry, GEO 101 - Earth Science  , GEO 105 - Introduction to Meteorology  , geology, GEO 137 - Global Energy Resources  , physics, physical science

Group V. Mathematics: MTH 102  or higher may be applied to degree programs; consult a program of study for its specific mathematics requirement. Students pursuing the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) stamp should consult the Graduation Worksheet  as Arts and Science degrees require specific math courses.

Group VI. Oral Communication: SPC 101 - Speech Communication  or THA 105 - Oral Interpretation  

Group VII. Computer Literacy: CIS 115 - Microcomputer Applications  for all programs, with the exception of Associate in Engineering, which requires CIS 260 - Computer Programming I  

Group VIII. Writing: ENG 101 - English Composition I  or ENG 101H - Honors English Composition I  and ENG 102 - English Composition II  or ENG 102H - Honors English Composition II  or OA 225 - Business Communications . Students pursuing the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) stamp will want to take ENG 101  and ENG 102  (Honors courses are acceptable).

Group IX. Government and the Political Process: PS 101 - Introduction to Political Science  

General Education Competencies

General education competencies are part of each course offered at SC4, preparing our students to be good citizens, employees and lifelong learners. Below is a listing of the general education competencies and their definitions:

  • Computer Literacy - is the ability to use a computer at a level appropriate to a student’s academic and career needs.
  • Critical Thinking - is an active process of carefully examining our own thinking and the thinking of others.
  • Global Awareness - is the recognition of the importance of a global perspective in order to understand the diversity of cultures in world nations. Culture is defined as a complex whole that includes knowledge, belief, art, law, music, language, medicine, economics, customs, and any other capabilities or habits acquired by individuals as members of society.
  • Government and the Political Process - is the study of the theory, organization and functioning of government and political systems.
  • Mathematics - is the logical study of shape, arrangement, quantity and space, and their inter-relationships, applications, generalizations and abstractions.
  • Oral Communication - is the process of effectively transmitting and receiving ideas and information in a variety of situations.
  • Writing - is the process of effectively selecting, developing, arranging and revising one’s own ideas and those of others. The process requires students to compose ideas in a variety of written forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.

Requirements for Graduation

Certificate Programs

Students must satisfy the following criteria to be granted a certificate from SC4:

  1. Complete the specific certificate program requirements as listed in this catalog.
  2. Complete a minimum of 30 credit hours 100-level or higher (credit hour requirements vary by program) with a GPA of 2.0 or above.
  3. Complete a minimum of 10 credits at SC4 or through the Michigan Colleges Online (MCO).

Associate Degrees

Students must satisfy the following criteria to be granted an associate degree from SC4:

  1. Complete the specific associate degree program requirements as listed in this catalog.
  2. Complete a minimum of 62 credit hours 100-level or higher (credit hour requirements vary by program) with a GPA of 2.0 or above.
  3. Complete a minimum of 18 credits at SC4 or through Michigan Colleges Online (MCO).

NOTE: Classes with a designation of less than 100 (e.g. MTH 075 ) cannot be used for graduation credit. These classes may not transfer to other colleges and universities.

Graduation Worksheet

Click the link to view the Graduation Worksheet  (this worksheet is designed with MTA completion in mind).

Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers Statewide College and University Transfer Agreement

SC4 is a member of the statewide transfer agreement between community and four-year public colleges and universities of Michigan. The Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) helps simplify the transfer of credit for SC4 students. The agreement stipulates that 30 semester credit hours of 100 level and above, compatible, general course work will be granted smooth transferability to participating universities. Credits will be awarded towards a student’s general education requirements.

Students completing the following MTA requirements must request in the SC4 Enrollment Services office to have their transcript listed as “MTA Satisfied.”

  Required Courses
  ENG 101 - English Composition I  
  ENG 102 - English Composition II  or SPC 101  
    2 courses in Social Science from two disciplines
    2 courses in Humanities from two disciplines
    2 courses in Science, including one with laboratory experience, from two disciplines
    1 course from appropriate Mathematics pathway
  Range Total Credit Hours/Range Total Contact Hours = 30/30+

Note: Students must earn a minimum 2.0 GPA in ALL MTA courses. Students whose completed MTA coursework meets the above criteria, but does not add up to 30 credits must take additional MTA-approved coursework to meet the 30 credit minimum. Click here for specific course options by MTA requirement. For a list of senior colleges and universities that have signed the Michigan Transfer Agreement, visit www.macrao.org.

Transfer Student Tips

  • Meet with an SC4 advisor before selecting courses and to review transfer guides and articulation agreements.
  • Contact the four-year institution(s) where you plan on transferring and consult the institution’s website for specific transfer information.
  • Transfer institutions will typically accept 60 credit hours from SC4 and require a minimum 2.0 GPA in each course; however, these requirements may vary by institution.
  • View transfer equivalency information on the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) website at http://www.macrao.org or at www.michigantransfernetwork.org.
  • Apply for admission to the four-year institution a semester before you plan to transfer.
  • Have an official SC4 transcript mailed directly to the four-year institution. Requests may be made online via the Portal or in the Student Services office.
  • Research transfer scholarships at http://www.macrao.org and/or by contacting the four-year institution.

Special Articulation Agreements with Senior Institutions

Additional transfer guides and articulation agreements from colleges and universities may be available for occupational classes/programs. For additional information call (810) 989-5520. The following articulation agreements are in place:

  • Capella University
  • Davenport University
  • Eastern Michigan University
  • Ferris State University
  • Franklin University
  • Kettering University
  • Madonna University
  • Northwestern Michigan College, Great Lakes Maritime Academy
  • Oakland University
  • Saginaw Valley State University
  • Siena Heights University
  • University of Detroit Mercy
  • University of Phoenix
  • Walsh College
  • Wayne State University

High School Articulation

St. Clair County Community College is committed to providing a variety of methods for granting college credit for competencies and skills attained outside of the traditional college classroom. This process is called articulation. Articulation agreements exist between St. Clair County Community College and the following high schools and secondary technical education centers:

Huron County - Huron Area Technical Center
Lapeer County - Lapeer County Vocational Technical Center
St. Clair County - St. Clair County Technical Education Center
Sanilac County - Sanilac Career Center
Tuscola County - Vocational Education Center

High school students should contact the counseling office at their local technical education center to obtain the most updated information regarding the articulation of credits to the college.

Honors Program Degree Option

The St. Clair County Community College Honors Program is designed to satisfy the needs of students who are hard-working and self-motivated, are curious and appreciate exploring a topic in depth, and enjoy strong interaction with instructors and fellow students. A student may earn an Honors degree in any associate degree program.


  • Honors degree credential on transcript and designation on diploma
  • Recognition for outstanding achievement
  • More stimulating course work with greater interaction
  • Honors options in regular courses

Admission Agreements

  • Be enrolled at St. Clair County Community College.
  • Complete the Honors Program application form. Forms are available in advising or online via the SC4 Portal, Student Resources tab (click on Academics link).

Program admission criteria:

  • One of the following minimums for admission:
    • SAT Composite score of 1200 (ACT Composite score of 25)
    • Minimum Writing Accuplacer score of 110 (COMPASS writing score of 95)
    • 3.2 high school GPA (on a 4.0 scale)

  • Two of the following minimums for admission:
    • College Algebra Accuplacer score of 61
    • SAT Math score of 580
    • SAT Writing score of 32
    • ACT Math score of 24
    • ACT Writing score of 25
    • College Algebra COMPASS score of 46
    • GED score of 55
    • 3.00 GPA at SC4 or other college/university
    • Membership in high school’s National Honor Society
    • Recommendation by Honors Program director, advisor or faculty

Program Requirements

  • To remain in good standing in the honors program, a student must maintain a 3.00 overall GPA and receive at least a “B” in each honors class.
  • To receive the honors associate degree, a student must receive at least a grade of “B” in four different honors courses and complete all other degree requirements with an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher.
  • If a student falls below a 3.00 GPA or receives less than a grade of “B” in an honors course, he/she will be placed on program probation for two semesters. During those two semesters, the student may take honors courses, receiving a B or better in each, and must regain an overall 3.00 GPA by the end of the probationary semester to remain in the program.
  • If the student received less than a grade of “B” in an honors course, he/she must retake the honors course or designate a “replacement” honors course during the probationary semesters.
  • If the probationary student fails to regain an overall 3.00 GPA after two semesters or fails to obtain a grade of “B” in a repeated or replacement honors course during the probationary period, he/she will be dropped from the honors program.
  • If no honors course suitable to the student’s curriculum is available during the probationary period, a one-semester extension can be requested by the student.
  • For good cause, the director, with the consent of the Honors Committee, will be permitted some discretion in the application of these guidelines.
  • Any student who wishes to withdraw from or is removed from the honors program may seek a regular associate degree.

SPECIAL NOTE: An honors option is available for non-honors courses. This option course can replace regular honors courses. Provided the instructor is willing, the option would involve some special work within the regular course that the student, the instructor and the honors director agree is acceptable.

Return all completed forms to:
Honors Program Applications, Enrollment Services, St. Clair County Community College, 323 Erie St., P.O. Box 5015, Port Huron, MI 48061-5015